
Risk Management Expert Witnesses

Risk management expert witnesses may opine on enterprise risk management, credit risk, market risk, and more. The Risk Management Association is presenting Counterparty Risk Management and Control: Best Practices October 19-20, New York, NY.

Course Overview Measuring and mitigating counterparty default risk has been one of the risk management topics that challenged risk professionals in the past 10-15 years. Since the inception of OTC derivative contracts trading on a global scale, there were very few situations (Drexel, LTCM, Barings, Lehman Brothers) where practitioners could test the effectiveness of ISDA Master Netting Agreements and collateral agreements in stressed markets. The financial crisis that commenced in 2007 has offered an unprecedented laboratory for such research. This two-day course on counterparty risk purports to draw conclusions from the most recent events and comments on what features make a sturdy counterparty risk framework.

The course will focus on methodologies, limit systems, and processes along with day-to-day management techniques used by leading global financial institutions.

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