
Truck Driver Qualifications Expert Witnesses

Truck driver qualifications expert witnesses may write reports and testify on driver training, driver experience, and affiliated matters. In The Large Truck Crash Causation Study, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration Office of Research and Analysis reports:

Driver critical reasons are coded in four categories:

* Non-Performance: The driver fell asleep, was disabled by a heart attack or seizure, or was physically impaired for another reason.

* Recognition: The driver was inattentive, was distracted by something inside or outside the vehicle, or failed to observe the situation adequately for some other reason.

* Decision: For example, the driver was driving too fast for conditions, misjudged the speed of other vehicles, or followed other vehicles too closely.

* Performance: For example, the driver panicked, overcompensated, or exercised poor directional control.

Read more: www.fmcsa.dot.gov.

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