
Plaintiff Magazine to have an Expert Witness Issue

A new magazine called “Plaintiff magazine” will debut this summer. Published by the same company that issues “The Advocate” magazine, the target market will be plaintiff attorneys in Northern California.

The magazine has announced that its March 2008 issue will focus on expert witnesses.

As stated by the publishers of Plaintiff:

“Plaintiff [magazine] is a nuts and bolts journal for trial practice. Every issue will bring readers practical, instructive articles on the representation of plaintiffs, law office management and legal services marketing. Each month, experienced attorneys will present informative articles on a different theme, revealing how they craft complaints, maximize discovery and use voir dire effectively to win actions in such areas as employment, auto accidents, medical malpractice, products liability and insurance bad faith. Mediators and arbitrators will discuss how these alternative forums can be used to a plaintiff’s benefit. Plaintiff will not be a stuffy law journal that sits on the library shelf, but a hands-on magazine that readers look forward to each month.”

Those who work as expert witnesses might want to contact the editor to inquire about having an article published in the March 2008 issue.

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