Gangs expert witnesses may advise regarding gang activity, gang crimes, and gang education. Author and gangs expert witness Jesse De La Cruz testified in the Modesto, CA, murder trial of three young men charged in the death of Chaz Bettencourt. De La Cruz opined that the shooting was not associated…
Expert Witness Blog
Expert Witnesses In Slip & Fall Cases Part 7
In More effective use of experts in slip-and-fall cases – The right expert will help you to better prepare the case and win it at trial, attorney David Reinard writes on when to retain your experts: • How obvious is liability? If you know you have them dead to rights,…
Oil & Gas Expert Witnesses & New EPA Standards
Oil and gas expert witnesses may consult on oil and gas pumps, fracking, petrochemical manufacturing, pipelines, crude oil, and the petroleum industry, as well as related topics. On September 24, 2013, the EPA published final amendments to sections of its 2012 New Source Performance Standard regarding storage vessels used in…
Property Insurance Expert Witnesses & Flood Insurance
Property insurance expert witnesses may consult on home insurance, property claims, fire insurance, flood insurance, and earthquake insurance. In the news, flood insurance rates are scheduled to go up sharply on October 1, 2013 as part of the Biggert-Waters Flood Insurance Reform Act of 2012. BW 2012 will require the…
Civil Engineering Expert Witnesses & The Leo Frigo Bridge
Civil engineering expert witnesses may consult on bridges, sewers, flood control, and earthwork. This week the Leo Frigo Bridge in Wisconsin was closed indefinitely due to a section that is sagging by an estimated two feet. The bridge was built in 1980 and last inspected in August 2012. The Federal…
Cross Examination of Legal Nurse Consultant Expert Witnesses Part 2
Legal nurse consultant expert witnesses may testify on general nursing, surgical nursing, palliative care, and medical record review, as well as related issues. In “Nurse experts: Are YOU prepared for cross-examination?” by Juris Educational Resource Knowledge guest blogger Lori Combs RN, LNC, writes that “Extensive preparation is needed to ensure…
Adoptions Expert Witness & High Profile Adoption Case
Adoptions expert witnesses may assist with disputes involving adoptive parents, child support obligations, custody, and more. In a high profile adoption case, 4-year-old Veronica was returned to her adoptive parents Matt and Melanie Capobianco after living with her biological father for 18 months. The Oklahoma Supreme Court ruled that although…
Business Expert Witnesses & Hudson News Lawsuit
Business expert witnesses will testify in Samantha Perelman’s lawsuit against her uncle James Cohen over the Hudson News business legacy. Perelman, daughter of billionaire Revlon chairman Ronald Perelman, claims that Cohen used undue influence to transfer sizable portions of the Hudson News business from his father, Robert Cohen, to himself…
Construction Site Expert Witness On Becoming An Expert
In The Straight Truth, The Life Of An Expert Witness, construction site expert witness William Gulya, Jr., President & CEO, Middlesex Trenching Company, writes: So, why would you want to become an expert witness? After all, the work can be very tedious and demanding. It can require the expenditure of…
Forensic Pathology Expert Witness Presents CLE Program
Forensic pathology expert witness Dr. Judy Melinek is presenting a 3 hour course for Continuing Legal Education entitled “Science on Your Side: Forensic Experts in the Courtroom” for California attorneys on October 12, 2013 at the UCSF Mission Bay Campus. Dr. Melinek, a forensic pathologist who works for the Alameda…