
Expert Witness Blog


Carson Nash Funding, Inc. & Expert Witness Fees

In Expert Witness Fees Deferred Until Settlement of Case, Carson Nash Funding, Inc. explains how their company provides funding to expert witnesses that allows trial lawyers the ability to defer payment of expert witness expenses until their cases settle. Expert witness expenses are one of the largest and most significant…


Transportation Expert Witnesses & NY Train Derailment

Transportation expert witnesses may provide expert witness testimony on transportation technology, transportation safety, railroad accident investigation, railroads, and more. In the news, The National Transportation Safety Board has sent a team to investigate the Metro North passenger train accident in New York City. The train derailed in the Bronx, killing…


Accident Investigation Expert Witnesses & Distracted Drivers

Accident investigation expert witnesses may provide reports concerning crash investigations, distracted drivers, and skid mark analysis. Statistics in the US suggest that distraction contributes to 16% of all fatal crashes. AAA tells us that drivers spend more than half their time focused on things other than driving, e.g. eating, attending…


Demonstrative Evidence Expert Witnesses

Demonstrative evidence expert witnesses may consult on courtroom exhibits, computer reconstruction, computer animation, forensic animation, and simulations. While demonstrative evidence is not real evidence, it illuminates the points being argued in court. In How to Build the Visual Foundation of Your Case, attorney Morgan Smith describes how to create simple…


Construction Site Expert Witness On Avoiding Expert Report Errors

In Avoid This Expert Report Writing Error, construction site expert witness William Gulya, Jr., President & CEO, Middlesex Trenching Company, writes: As an experienced expert report writer and testifying expert I recommend that attorneys make sure their expert avoids this common expert report writing error. It is vital that an…


Juvenile Justice System Expert Witness Testifies On Jail Conditions

Juvenile justice system expert witness Paul DeMuro testified in a Polk County, FL, federal trial over the constitutional rights of juveniles at the Polk County jail and the conditions under which they are held. Representing the Southern Poverty Law Center in a class action suit, DeMuro described conditions at the…

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