
Expert Witness Blog


Child Abuse Expert Witness On Failure To Thrive

In Child Abuse Pediatrician’s Role, Child Abuse Pediatrics & Forensic Medicine Experts explains failure to thrive. Failure to Thrive is a condition whereby children either do not receive or are unable to properly utilize adequate nutrition for sufficient growth. There are two categories of causality for Failure to Thrive: organic…


Forensic Accounting Expert Witness On Corporate Securities Lawsuits Part 7

In EFFECTIVE VALUATION & LITIGATION SUPPORT IN CORPORATE SECURITIES LAWSUITS, forensic accounting expert witness Richard M. Squar, CPA, CVA, ABV, CFF, MBA-Taxation, writes: CASE LITIGATION SUPPORT AREAS The valuation expert assists legal counsel in the preparation of briefs, either by review of a draft brief prepared and/or focused discussion of…


Expert Witness Marketing Authority Rosalie Hamilton On The Value Of Your Clients

In The Practice-Building Newsletter for Expert Consultants, February/March 2014, expert witness marketing consultant Rosalie Hamilton writes on leveraging the value of your clients. Ms. Hamilton is the leading authority on expert witness marketing and founder of Expert Communications. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Marketing Brief ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Leverage the Value of Your Clients The value…


Child Sexual Assault Expert Witnesses

Child sexual assault expert witnesses may consult regarding sexual misconduct, sexual molestation, and child sexual abuse. Child Abuse Pediatrics & Forensic Medicine Experts explain the Child Abuse Pediatrician’s Role. The child abuse pediatrician’s clinical role is to provide objective, comprehensive, evidence-based and patient centered care for children and adolescents with…


Environmental Expert Witnesses & Keystone XL Project

Environmental expert witnesses may write reports and testify on environmental forensics, environmental health and safety, and environmental impact studies, EPA regulation, water pollution and more. The State Department released the Keystone XL pipeline environmental review last month and the report forecast that the project would have minimal environmental impact. This…


Securities Expert Witnesses & Illegal “Parking”

Securities expert witnesses may consult and testify on securities regulation, securities fraud, and the securities industry. This month the SEC charged Wall Street traders Thomas Gonnella and Ryan King with a fraudulent “parking” scheme in which one trader temporarily placed securities in the other’s trading book. Gonnella arranged for King,…


Forensic Accounting Expert Witness On Corporate Securities Lawsuits Part 6

In EFFECTIVE VALUATION & LITIGATION SUPPORT IN CORPORATE SECURITIES LAWSUITS, forensic accounting expert witness Richard M. Squar, CPA, CVA, ABV, CFF, MBA-Taxation, writes: CASE LITIGATION SUPPORT AREAS • Early case involvement • Assisting in coordinating, selecting and supervising other experts on the case • Assessing the case • Critique of…


Psychiatry Expert Witness On Security Clearance Part 2

In recent years, psychiatrists have been asked to consult on security clearance eligibility. In The Psychiatrist in the Security Clearance Process, psychiatry expert witness Brian Crowley, MD, DLFAPA, writes: Psychiatrists are asked to participate in the security clearance process in either of two ways…. In the second scenario, a psychiatrist…


Hazardous Waste Expert Witnesses & Hanford Nuclear Reservation

Hazardous waste expert witnesses may write reports and testify on hazardous waste sites, the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), and hazardous waste mapping. In the news, whistle-blower Donna Busche was fired from her position as manager of environmental and nuclear safety at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation waste treatment plant…

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