
Expert Witness Blog


Accident Investigation Expert Witness Testifies Re: Excessive Speed

Accident investigation expert witness Travis Webster testified in the case against 19 year old James Crosby in the death of Kathy Lattimore, 67, and Derek Nichols, 20. Crosby was found guilty of manslaughter in the December 31, 2013 Newfield, NY, crash. Webster, a New York state investigator, calculated that Crosby…


Child Abuse Expert Witness On The Role Of Whistleblowers

Child abuse expert witness Jill G. Jones-Soderman, Ph.D., MSHS, has been in the private practice of psychotherapy and psychoanalysis for over 35 years. Her work involves the study of the violation of civil rights and confidentiality in various provinces of the court system with particular emphasis on family courts throughout…


School Security Expert Witness On School Shootings Part 1

In Ten Lessons Learned From the Sandy Hook School Shootings, school security expert witness Ken Trump, MPA, President of National School Safety and Security Services writes: Our team’s analysis of the Sandy Hook Final Report released by the Connecticut State’s Attorney continues with 10 key lessons learned for school security…


Police Procedures Expert Witness Testifies In Castle Doctrine Case

Police procedures expert witness Ron Martinelli, Ph.D., B.C.F.T., C.F.A., C.L.S., testified in the Missoula, MT, homicide case against Markus Kaarma. The defendant is accused of fatally shooting German foreign exchange student, Diren Dede. The 17 year old was in Kaarma’s garage allegedly looking for alcohol when he was shot and…


Child Abuse Expert Witnesses & Midwife Neglect Case

Child abuse expert witnesses may advise regarding child abuse and neglect and the physical and emotional mistreatment of children. In the news, South Dakota midwife Judy K. Jones is charged with the death of a Nebraska infant she delivered. Court records state the baby developed medical problems and Jones allegedly…


PTSD Expert Witness Testifies On Clinical Criteria

Post traumatic stress expert witness Mitchell Clionsky testified for the defense in the Springfield, MA, lawsuit against nightclub owner Demetrious Konstantopoulos. Cara Lyn Crncic alleges that a 2011 assault by Konstantopoulos has caused her to suffer from PTSD. However, the psychology expert testified that the defendant’s actions were not violent…


Medical Malpractice Expert Witness On Legal Medical Causation Part 2

In CHIROPRACTIC / MEDICAL MALPRACTICE CAUSATION AND THE DEGENERATIVE SPINE, medical malpractice expert witness Richard K. Skala, DC, writes that the “chiropractic expert will be challenged by the opposing party during deposition and/or trial in terms of the foundation used to come to their conclusions within a reasonable medical probability.”…

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