
Expert Witness Blog


Daubert Shorts – Recent Opinions on Motions to Exclude Expert Witness Testimony

  Bickham v. Coca Cola Refreshments USA, Inc. – United States District Court – Southern District of New York – November 18th, 2015 – This case involves a negligence claim against Coca Cola related to an object allegedly swallowed during the ingestion of a soft drink. The plaintiff hired Darrel Suderman,…


Anesthesiology Expert Witness Testimony Allowed in Medical Malpractice Case

The defendant challenged the standard of care expert witness testimony of anesthesiologist on numerous grounds.   The court denied the motion. Facts: This case (Sine v. Sheren – United States District Court – Northern District if West Virginia – April 24th, 2015) involves a medical malpractice lawsuit.  In September 2013,…


Daubert Shorts – Recent Opinions on Motions to Exclude Expert Witness Testimony

  Bruska v. Bunting Bearings – United States District Court – District of Minnesota – November 17th, 2015 – In this products liability case involving automobile brakes, the defendants’ challenge the expert witness testimony of James Brusso, a metallurgy expert witnesses.  They argue that his testimony is unreliable, over speculative and not…


Experts in Idaho Title Insurance Litigation Challenged

In this title insurance dispute involving the construction of a ski resort in Idaho, the plaintiffs challenged the expert witness testimony of two experts.  The court granted one motion to exclude in part and denied the other in full. Facts: This case (Stewart Title Guaranty Company v. Credit Suisse –…


Daubert Shorts – Recent Opinions on Motions to Exclude Expert Witness Testimony

  Brooks, et al. v. Ripley, Union, Lewis, Huntington School District, et al. – United States District Court – Southern District of Ohio – November 10th, 2015 – In this alleged racial discrimination case at a school, the defendants’ filed a motion to exclude the expert witness testimony of Dr. Edward…


Court Partially Allows Forensic Accountant Testimony in Patent Case

The defendant hired an accountant to provide expert witness testimony on damages in this patent infringement case.  The plaintiff filed a motion to exclude the testimony. Facts: This case (Deflecto, LLC v. Dundas*Jafine Inc. – United States District Court – Western District of Missouri – November 4th, 2015) involves patent…


Daubert Shorts – Recent Opinions on Motions to Exclude Expert Witness Testimony

Valdes v. Miami-Dade County et al – United States District Court – District of Southern Florida – November 6th, 2015 – This case involves an alleged violation of civil rights.  The plaintiff sought to exclude the expert witness testimony of  Dr. Jason Buchwald, a forensic & laboratory testing expert witness, based…


Marketing Expert Allowed To Testify in Coffee Lawsuit

Both plaintiffs and defendants hired expert witnesses in this proposed class action.  In one piece of the case, the defendants filed a motion to exclude the testimony of an expert in marketing.  The court denied the motion. Facts: This consumer class action litigation (Suchanek et al v. Sturm Foods, Inc.…


Daubert Shorts

A summary of recent Daubert opinions. Ponce v. Mountaineers – Court of Appeals of Washington – Division One – November 2, 2015 – This case involves a sledding accident.  The plaintiffs appeal a lower court opinion which allowed the defendant’s sports and recreation expert witness, Chris Stoddard.  They claim that…


Gang Expert Witness Testimony Partially Allowed

Numerous defendants were indicted on various charges, including racketeering conspiracy.  The Government alleges that the defendants were associated with a street gang and hired to experts to help prove their case. Facts: This case (United States of America v. Brandon Orr, et. al – United States District Court – Middle…

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