
Expert Witness Blog


Daubert Shorts – Recent Opinions on Motions to Exclude Expert Witness Testimony

  Brooks et al v. Caterpillar, Inc. – United States District Court – Western District of Kentucky – January 20th, 2016 – In this products liability case involving a coal mining accident, the Plaintiffs sued the Defendant claiming that the incident could have been avoided if a handle on a…


Pain Management Expert Witness Testimony Partially Allowed

Prisoner in correctional facility sued officers and nurse for injuries sustained after a gunshot wound.  The Plaintiff hired a pain management doctor to supply expert witness testimony.  The court allowed most of this testimony. Facts: In this case (Gomez v. Palmer, et. al – United States District Court – Northern District…


Daubert Shorts – Recent Opinions on Motions to Exclude Expert Witness Testimony

  Mendoza v. Lafarge North America, Inc. et al – United States District Court – Eastern District of Louisiana – January 13th, 2015 – In this personal injury case involving a motor vehicle and a cement-mixing truck, the plaintiff (Mendoza) has filed a motion to exclude the expert witness testimony…


Numerous Expert Witnesses Challenged in Negligence Case Involving Airplane Crash – Part 2 of 2

Plaintiffs sued the manufacturer of the airplane they were on when it crashed.  Both parties called numerous experts to assist in proving their case.  The court denied most of the motions, but granted some in part. Facts: The facts in this case can be accessed in part 1 of this…


Numerous Expert Witnesses Challenged in Negligence Case Involving Airplane Crash – Part 1 of 2

This is part one of a two-part post on a lengthy and detailed opinion. Plaintiffs sued the manufacturer of the airplane they were on when it crashed.  Both parties called numerous experts to assist in proving their case.  The court denied most of the motions, but granted some in part.…


Daubert Shorts – Recent Opinions on Motions to Exclude Expert Witness Testimony

  In re: William and Myo Shears – United States District Court – Western District of Washington – January 4th, 2016 – This is an admiralty litigation involving a fire on a motor yacht.  The petitioners initiated this case for Exoneration or Limitation of liability as they became aware that…


Daubert Shorts – Recent Opinions on Motions to Exclude Expert Witness Testimony

  PHILLIP JACKSON BAILEY, Appellant, v. STATE OF ALASKA, Appellee – Alaska Court of Appeals – December 16th, 2015 – This case is an appeal of a first-degree murder conviction.  The Appellant maintains that the trial court erred when it limited the testimony of his deadly/excessive force expert witnesses Donald Mann.…


Computer Technology Witness Not Allowed, Security Expert Allowed in Retail Privacy Case

A female sued a retail clothing store for negligence following an episode at the store.  The plaintiff (Jane Doe) hired two experts to assist in her case, both of which were challenged by the defendant.  The court granted the motion for her technology expert and denied the motion regarding her…

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