Trucking expert witnesses may testify on hours of service, trucking accidents, and federal motor vehicle safety standards, as well as related issues. In Pillars of Driver Retention author Marc Mayfield writes: You can tie down your loads but you can’t tie down your drivers. However, with a little forethought,…
Expert Witness Blog
Real Estate Management Liability Insurance Expert Witnesses
Real estate management liability insurance expert witnesses may testify on property insurance, insurance fraud, and affiliated matters. Stateside Underwriting Agency explains what property manager liability insurance entails: property manager liability insurance liability insurance for property preservation wrongful eviction coverage tenant discrimination insurance…. Read more:
Hazard Identification Expert Witnesses Part 1
Hazard identification expert witnesses may write reports and opine on risk assessment, disaster risk management, as well as related issues. At its website, FEMA offers Hazus, a methodology for estimating potential losses from disasters. Hazus is a nationally applicable standardized methodology that contains models for estimating potential losses from earthquakes,…
Vulnerability Assessment Expert Witnesses
Vulnerability assessment expert witnesses may testify on risk assessment in energy supply systems, IT systems, and communication systems. The SAINT Corporation explains that “new vulnerabilities are discovered at an astonishing rate….The number one threat to infrastructures today is known vulnerabilities.” Read more:
Insurance Fraud Expert Witnesses
Insurance fraud expert witnesses may write reports and consult on insurance claims, insurance carriers, the insurance industry, and affiliated matters. On its website, The Insurance Information Institute offers informative articles including Fraud and Abuse In No-Fault Auto Insurance System Results In a Substantial ‘Fraud Tax’ for Florida’s Drivers, I.I.I. Finds.…
Marketing Expert Witnesses
Marketing expert witnesses may opine on marketing effectiveness, marketing research, marketing strategy, and more. At Expert, Rosalie Hamilton provides methods for experts to find prospective attorneys, companies and insurers that need their expert consultant services. At, attorney Elliott Wilcox, lead trial lawyer in nearly 200 jury trials and…
Computers Expert Witnesses
Computers expert witnesses may provide reports concerning computer storage, computer systems, computer forensics, and associated issues. In the news this week, Facebook will be building its first data center outside the US in the Swedish town of Luleaa which is located sixty miles from the Arctic Circle. The center will…
Risk Management Plans Expert Witnesses
Risk management plans expert witnesses may consult on risk assessment, financial risk management, and related matters. The risk management plan prepared by the Northrop Grumman Corporation for Interoperability Montana explains risk management. The identification of risk normally starts before the project is initiated, and the number of risks increase as…
Property Insurance Expert Witnesses &
Property insurance expert witnesses may write reports and consult on insurance claims, insurance carriers, the insurance industry, and affiliated matters. On its website, The Insurance Information Institute offers informative articles including Personal Lines P-C Insurance Markets: Trends, Challenges & Opportunities for 2012 & Beyond written by insurance expert and economist…
Medical Insurance Expert Witnesses & Co-Payments Part 2
Medical insurance expert witnesses may opine on health insurance claims, medical insurance deductibles, and related topics. In Understanding Co-Payments, Deductibles and Co-Insurance Scott Cornelius, board member of the Independent Agents of Oklahoma City, writes: But health insurance companies take their position as insurers very seriously and they have a method…