
Expert Witness Blog


Hazard Identification Expert Witnesses Part 2

Hazard identification expert witnesses may write reports and opine on risk assessment, disaster risk management, as well as related issues. At its website, FEMA offers Hazus, a methodology for estimating potential losses from disasters. Hazus is used for mitigation and recovery as well as preparedness and response. Government planners, GIS…


Insurance Policies Expert Witnesses

Insurance policies expert witnesses may opine on commercial liability policies, the insurance industry, commercial insurance, and associated issues. In California Appellate Court Upholds Trial Court’s Dismissal of a Coverage Claim for an Alleged Advertising Injury, Kimberly L. Buffington, Partner, Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP, writes: In Oglio Entertainment Group, Inc.…


Marketing Expert Witness On Performance Part 6

Marketing expert witness Don E. Smith, President, American Consulting Group, LLC, writes on THE LIMITATIONS OF USING SALES QUOTAS AS THE PRIMARY MEASURE OF PERFORMANCE: V. CONCLUSIONS A. $ sales quotas should be only one of the measures defining a distributor’s performance. B. Additional measures of performance and capability can…


Agent Errors and Omissions Expert Witnesses

Agent errors and omissions expert witnesses may write reports and opine on professional liability, mismanagement, E&O and associated matters. Stateside Underwriting Agency offers this explanation of miscellaneous professional liability: Miscellaneous professional liability sometimes, called errors and omissions (E&O) liability, results from errors or omissions that are committed during the course…


Insurance Class Action Expert Witnesses

Insurance class action expert witnesses may testify on insurance regulations, professional liability insurance, agent errors and omissions, the insurance industry, and correlated topics. In Insurance May Cover Class Action Costs for Merchants Who Recorded Customers’ Zip Codes, attorneys Robert L. Wallan and Kimberly L. Buffington write: The California Supreme Court’s…


Professional Liability Insurance Expert Witnesses Part 7

Professional liability insurance expert witnesses may write reports and opine on professional indemnity insurance, errors & omissions insurance, and malpractice insurance, among other topics. On the website Everything Small Business, find the article Small Business Liability Insurance – The 4 Types That You Need To Protect Your Business: Other Types…

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