In Defy Popular Perception: Overcome the Life Insurance Taboo, insurance expert Philip E. Harriman, CLU, CHCF, 2007 MDRT President, partner with Lebel and Harriman LLP, writes: The trend in today’s financial planning industry is to avoid talking about life insurance and, instead, focus on investments. Yet talking only about investing…
Expert Witness Blog
Forensic Accouting Expert Witnesses & Stanford Fraud Case
U.S. District Judge David Hittner has denied R. Allen Stanford’s lawyers request to delay the fraud case against the financier. Defense lawyers requested more time to evaluate testimony from forensic accounting expert witnesses on auditing and accounting procedures.
Hospitality Expert Witness On Working With The Law
In The need to understand and work with the law continues to grow in hospitality – Today and in the Future, John Hogan writes: In my continuing professional work as an educator, an expert witness for both plaintiffs and defendants, as a consultant, author and speaker, I clearly see that…
Construction Site Expert Witness On Internet Postings Part 1
In Experts – Be Wary of What You Post Online construction site expert witness William Gulya, Jr., President & CEO, Middlesex Trenching Company, writes: Experts in almost any field sometimes need assistance in determining the best method and means to present a point or to support it in a report.…
Medical Expert On Alcohol Analysis
Attorney James Crouch has hired a medical expert to testify for Apex, NC, Councilman Scott Lassite who was found guilty of DWI. The expert will testify in Wake County Superior court that Lassiter’s medical condition, gastroesophageal reflux disease, created a high alcohol reading. Read more:
Computers Expert Witness Hired In Identiy Theft Case
Lachlan Clyne, mayor of Unley, Australia, has hired a computers expert witness in the case against him involving identity theft and dishonest dealings. Mr. Clyne says he will plead not guilty in the Magistrates Court charges against him this week regarding the local government’s 2010 election campaign.
Psychiatry Expert Witness Testifies In Montreal Court
Psychiatry expert witness Dominique Bourget testified in Montreal court that Guy Turcotte presents a low risk to public safety and should be released without conditions in a hearing to determine whether the former cardiologist can be returned to society.
Auto Insurance Claims Expert Witnesses Part 2
Auto insurance claims expert witnesses may testify on insurance carriers, insurance policies, and related matters. In 1990, insurance expert, Dr. Lena Chang and former New Jersey Insurance Commissioner James J. Sheeran founded New Jersey Citizens United Reciprocal Exchange (“NJ CURE”) which is now CURE Auto Insurance. Their website offers Safety…
Florida Legislature & Daubert
A Florida House panel has approved a bill that would lead to tougher standards for expert witnesses. HB 243 would replace the Frye standard with the Daubert standard, bringing Florida more in line with expert testimony requirements in federal courts. Read more:
Computer Expert Witness On City’s IT System
A computer expert witness opined on the computer irregularities in the city of Sarasota, FL’s IT system. The consultant said some files are missing, data that should have been private was not, and emails were erased. City Manager Robert Bartolotta has denied any wrongdoing.