In The Use of an Insurance Expert, insurance claims expert witness Barry Zalma writes: In California, and other states, an expert must have some first hand experience in insurance and insurance claims handling to qualify to present testimony. Once qualified it is essential that the expert is able to credibly…
Expert Witness Blog
Accident Reconstruction Expert On Collisions
Allegan County, MI, sheriff’s Sgt. Chris Kuhn is an accident reconstruction expert. With traffic accidents increasing due to distracted drivers, Kuhn said a June 28, 2010, crash in Allegan County could have been fatal. The expert said the only reason no one died was because it was a head on…
DNA Expert Witness Testifiies In Sexual Assault Case
A DNA expert witness from the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension testified that DNA recovered from the victim’s body matches that of defendant John Fitzgerald Thomas. Thomas is accused of sexually assaulting a woman in North Mankato, MN, in February 2011.
Patents Expert Witness On Pharmaceutical Patents Part 1
On his website, patents expert witness Manfred E. Wolff writes: In today’s competitive environment, existing pharmaceutical patents are at risk from a number of pitfalls. In particular, “Designing Around” (i.e., developing a chemical entity, device, or method that avoids the claims of an existing patent) is a legal means for…
Insurance Expert Witness On Bad Faith
In How to Avoid Charges of Bad Faith, insurance expert witness Barry Zalma writes: Almost every lawsuit filed against an insurance company, especially when a claim is denied, alleges that the insurer acted in bad faith. In the first party context, bad faith claims typically allege that the insurer did…
Trucking Expert Witnesses & Bendix Press Release
Trucking expert witnesses may testify on trucking safety, commercial motor vehicles, truck maintenance, and related matters. In the news this week, Bendix Commercial Vehicle Systems has notified customers and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration that its ATR-6 valves installed on as many as 60,000 vehicles may be faulty and…
Real Estate Expert Testifies On Behalf of FDIC
Real estate expert witness Michael K. Ryan, President of CastleLyons Corporation, was selected to provide testimony on behalf of the FDIC in proceedings against a dissolved bank. Ryan was asked to share his expertise on a number of matters regarding real estate entitlement, development, and standard of care issues that…
Transportation Expert & Cell Phone Use
Transportation expert Deborah Hersman, chairwoman of the N.T.S.B., an independent federal agency which promotes traffic safety and investigates accidents, says the concern over cell phone use is increased due to more powerful phones that people can use to e-mail, watch movies and play games. Every year, new devices are being…
Police Procedures Expert Witness On Stun Gun Death
Police procedures expert witness Robert F. Thomas Jr. of the Mecklenburg County, NC, Attorney’s Office, testified that sheriff Rudy Torres was justified in using a stun gun twice on Jarrel Gray during an arrest. The expert said “The entire course of action, in my judgment, was wise and prudent.” Gray’s…
Forensic Accounting Expert Witness On Fraud Case
Forensic accounting expert witness Bob Grosnoff says he is “an expert witness in financial fraud cases and I’m usually on the side of claimants. I like to get the bad guys off the street.” When Wealth Strategies Advisory Group invited the expert to investigate their company, Grosnoff uncovered seven tax…