An insurance coverage expert witness testified in the Birmingham, AL, trial of Gabe Watson, charged with murder in the drowning death of his wife. Tina Thomas Watson died during their Australian honeymoon in 2003. The expert testified that Mrs. Watson could not increase her life insurance before her marriage which…
Expert Witness Blog
Media Expert Witnesses & Media Piracy
Media expert witnesses may opine on media piracy, media formats, mass media, and related topics. In the news this week, the European court of justice has ruled that social network website Netlog is not required to install an an anti-piracy filtering system. The Belgian firm Sabam wanted Netlog and other…
Patents Expert On Apple-Samsung Lawsuit
In Last week’s Apple-Samsung lawsuit involves eight patents, 17 products — bid for Nexus ban is based on only a subset, patents expert Florian Mueller writes: On Saturday, I reported on Apple’s request for a U.S. preliminary injunction against the Samsung Galaxy Nexus (co-developed by Google) based on four patents.…
Neurology Expert Witness Testified In Death Of UVA Lacrosse Player
Neurology expert witness Dr. Jan Leestma testified in the murder trial of George Huguely V that UVA lacrosse player Yeardley Love was responsible for her own death. The neuropathologist says Love had at least 7 drinks before her death in 2010 and may have suffocated.
Construction Site Expert On OSHA Regulations Part 1
In OSHA Regulations and their Complexity construction site expert witness William Gulya, Jr., President & CEO, Middlesex Trenching Company, writes: Staying competent with OSHA, EPA or other agency regulations can be difficult and sometimes exasperating. This can be particularly challenging when the people charged with their enforcement are sometimes a…
Securities Expert Witness & Brokerage Firms
Securities expert witness Craig McCann, a former SEC economist, is founder of the Securities Litigation and Consulting Group in Fairfax, Va. He testified on behalf of Bobby L. Hayes who was awarded $1.38M from Banc of America Securities, now Merrill Lynch. In the news this week, brokerage firms are trying…
Document Examination Expert Witness On Reasonable Scientific Certainly
In Reasonable Scientific Certainty, document examination expert witness Dennis Ryan writes: A recent report by the Criminal Justice Section of the American Bar Association (ABA) to their House of Delegates addresses the common term “Reasonable Scientific Certainty.” This term or a variant of the term has been seen frequently in…
Video Expert Witness & Excessive Force Case
US District Court, E.D. Wash. Judge Frederick L. Van Sickle has granted a request for a former Spokane Police Officer to interview a government expert witness. Karl F. Thompson Jr. was convicted of using excessive force and lying to cover up his actions in the death of Otto Zehm. Video…
Insurance Expert Witnesses
Insurance expert witnesses may advise on issues involving insurance claims, insurance adjusters, insurance agencies, and insurance rates. In the news this week, Senator Mike Johanns is looking into whether the 90% increase in long term care insurance quoted to a 67 year old Nebraska woman is justified.
Patents Expert Witness On Pharmaceutical Patents Part 2
On his website, patents expert witness Manfred E. Wolff writes: Crucial goals in patent preparation to minimize such pitfalls–both “design around” attacks and invalidation attacks–include strict attention to the question “what is the correct identification of the invention”; full disclosure of the invention; fully enabling the invention; correct listing of…