In OSHA Regulations and their Complexity construction site expert witness William Gulya, Jr., President & CEO, Middlesex Trenching Company, writes: Get it in writing When trying to decide how to apply a rule, ask for it in writing to make sure it supports the corresponding standard or official position of…
Expert Witness Blog
Entertainment Expert Witnesses & Rogue Websites Part 1
Entertainment expert witnesses may opine on motion picture distribution, media formats, and media piracy. The Motion Picture Association of America website describes how rogue websites traffic in stolen movies, TV shows, and music or even counterfeit prescription medications and other goods. These sites are located throughout the world, and while…
Patents Expert Witnesses & Motorola v, Apple
Patents expert witnesses may opine on computer patents, design patents, international patents and associated matters. In the news, Motorola lost a patent dispute in Munich against Apple regarding the “slide to unlock” feature on smartphones. The high court decided that two of the devices made by Motorola Mobility that are…
Media Expert Witness On Major Media Logo
In TRADEMARKS, INJUNCTIONS, AND eBAY v. MERCEXCHANGE: FROM AN EXPERT’S PERSPECTIVE media expert witness Michael A. Einhorn, Ph.D. writes: This article is based on an expert analysis that I recently performed in a matter that concerned the unauthorized taking of a trademarked logo by a major media company. The facts…
Video Content Expert Witness & Patents
Video content expert witness Robert Schumann currently holds 13 issued and 11 pending US patents with many having foreign equivalents. These patents cover a broad range of technologies including digital watermarking, forensic watermarking, digital video analysis, digital video processing, digital video compression, digital video display, real-time systems, transaction processing, operating…
Paralegal Knowledge Institute Online Course
The Paralegal Knowledge Institute is offering the online programs Paralegal’s Role in Trial Preparation and Paralegal’s Role at Trial on Feb 29, Mar 14, Mar 28, April 11. Classes include : Case Management & Legal Holds which includes working with Witnesses and Exhibits Fact Finding and Evidence Management Documentary Discovery…
Royalties Expert Witness On The Entire Market Rule
In REASONABLE ROYALTIES AND THE ENTIRE MARKET VALUE RULE, royalties expert witness Michael A. Einhorn, Ph.D. writes: Market-based royalty agreements based on negotiated bases and rates in comparable licenses then are practical guideposts that any court can consider in determining a reasonable royalty benchmark. There is no reason to attempt…
Construction Site Expert On OSHA Regulations Part 2
In OSHA Regulations and their Complexity construction site expert witness William Gulya, Jr., President & CEO, Middlesex Trenching Company, writes: Pick up the phone Instead of beating your head against the wall endlessly searching OSHA or other agency websites, just pick up the phone and call them. You can even…
Security Expert Witness On Expert Witness Testimony
In Tips for Using an Expert Witness Effectively, security expert witness Eric Coles writes: In our culture we are urged to “trust the expert” – even in a court of law. The simple fact that the testimony of an expert witness is admissible in a trial shows how much we…
Insurance Coverage Expert Witness Testified In Case Of Drowning Death
An insurance coverage expert witness testified in the Birmingham, AL, trial of Gabe Watson, charged with murder in the drowning death of his wife. Tina Thomas Watson died during their Australian honeymoon in 2003. The expert testified that Mrs. Watson could not increase her life insurance before her marriage which…