
Expert Witness Blog


Document Examination Expert Witness On Reasonable Scientific Certainly

In Reasonable Scientific Certainty, document examination expert witness Dennis Ryan writes: A recent report by the Criminal Justice Section of the American Bar Association (ABA) to their House of Delegates addresses the common term “Reasonable Scientific Certainty.” This term or a variant of the term has been seen frequently in…


Patents Expert Witness On Pharmaceutical Patents Part 2

On his website, patents expert witness Manfred E. Wolff writes: Crucial goals in patent preparation to minimize such pitfalls–both “design around” attacks and invalidation attacks–include strict attention to the question “what is the correct identification of the invention”; full disclosure of the invention; fully enabling the invention; correct listing of…


Insurance Claims Expert Witness On The Use Of An Insurance Expert

In The Use of an Insurance Expert, insurance claims expert witness Barry Zalma writes: In California, and other states, an expert must have some first hand experience in insurance and insurance claims handling to qualify to present testimony. Once qualified it is essential that the expert is able to credibly…


Patents Expert Witness On Pharmaceutical Patents Part 1

On his website, patents expert witness Manfred E. Wolff writes: In today’s competitive environment, existing pharmaceutical patents are at risk from a number of pitfalls. In particular, “Designing Around” (i.e., developing a chemical entity, device, or method that avoids the claims of an existing patent) is a legal means for…

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