A DNA expert witness will be hired and paid by Saginaw County, MI, in the murder case against Bradford S. Mitchell’. Chief Circuit Judge Robert L. Kaczmarek granted the request of Mitchell’s attorney for an expert to examine DNA evidence in the in the January 2012 beating death of Jay…
Expert Witness Blog
Firearms Expert Witness Tesifies On Ballistics
Firearms expert witness and Michigan state police Sgt. William Tyrell testified in the case against Pervell O. Jones in the 2011 death of Edward Thomas Jr. The expert witness said the gun found inside Jones’ apartment fired the bullet that killed Thomas.
Stop Loss Contracting Expert Witness Defines “Stop Loss”
Stop loss contracting expert witness Stephen C. George, MBA-HA, President of Provider Risk, explains “stop loss”: Stop loss is an insurance which provides reimbursement for catastrophic medical claims incurred by a self-funded employer’s employee or by a capitated HMO member. There are two primary types of medical stop loss –…
Risk Management Expert Witness On Capitation
Risk management expert witness Stephen C. George, MBA-HA, President of Provider Risk, explains “capitation”: A capitation is a fixed dollar amount per plan member per month paid to providers regardless of medical utilization. The payment structure shifts the financial risk from the insurance company to the physician or hospital accepting…
Trucking Expert Witnesses & Highway Bill
Trucking expert witnesses may provide reports regarding the Department of Transportation federal motor carrier safety regulations, trucking drug and alcohol regulations, and correlated issues. In the news this week, the US Senate passed a two-year, $109B bill to fund the nation’s highways and public transit system. Provisions include a drug…
Transportation Expert Witnesses On Red Light Cameras
Transportation engineering expert witnesses testified this week on a bill to legalize red light enforcement cameras in Connecticut. Dr. John Large, professor at the University of South Florida, is an expert in industrial engineering and testified for the American Civil Liberties Union of Connecticut regarding the bill that would place…
Law Enforcement Expert Witnesses Testify In Virginia Tech Lawsuit
Law enforcement expert witnesses testified this week in the wrongful death civil trial against Virginia Tech. Virginia Tech was found guilty of negligence for waiting to warn students about a gunman during a 2007 mass shooting that resulted in 33 deaths. Parents of two students charged that that the campus…
DNA Expert Witnesses & Washington State Death
DNA expert witnesses will oversee tests in the Franklin County, WA, murder case against Tashia Stuart. A Washington State Patrol Crime Lab scientist has been assigned to perform the testing in the trial of Stuart who is accused of shooting her adoptive mother in 2010.
Forensic Accounting Expert Witness On Which Expert Do You Need? Part 2
Forensic accounting expert witness Richard Teichner, CPA, CVA, CDFAJ, answers the question Do I need a forensic accountant or valuations expert in my case? Forensic accountants often have experience in serving as an expert witness. When explaining complex financial analyses to the trier of fact, it is imperative that your…
Rheumatology Expert Witness Testifies In Indecent Assualt Case
Rheumatology expert witness Dr. Chester Oddis testified this week in the case against Dr. Thomas Tyma. The expert specializes in internal medicine and rheumatology in Pittsburgh, PA. Tyma is accused of indecent assault by 17 female patients who say he touched them inappropriately during exams for arthritis at Allegheny North…