
Expert Witness Blog


Captive Insurance Expert & Certificate Program

Captive insurance expert Stewart A. Feldman is lecturing at the University of Delaware’s Captive Insurance Risk Management Certificate Program, April 18 – June 6, 2012. Feldman, CEO of Capstone Associated Services, Ltd., is an expert on insurance companies established with the objective of insuring risks emanating from their parent group(s).


Construction Site Expert Witness On Marketing Efforts Part 1

In Peaks and Valleys for Expert Witnesses construction site expert witness William Gulya, Jr., President & CEO, Middlesex Trenching Company, writes: No matter which field of expertise you specialize in, as an expert witness you will experience peaks and valleys in the number of cases you are retained to opine…


Paralegal Knowledge Institute Webinars On Legal Ethics

The Paralegal Knowledge Institute is presenting Practical Legal Ethics (Four Webinars) Live Webinars Designed Specifically for Paralegals Every year, more and more paralegals are facing critical ethical decisions and more and more responsibility for alleged negligence. In a litigious society, no one is immune. Knowing what is required and how…


Pathology Expert Witness On Blunt Force Trauma Part 1

In Pathology of Blunt Force Traumatic Injury, forensic pathology expert witness William A. Cox, MD (, writes: In this article we will review the gross and microscopic appearance of Blunt Force Traumatic Injuries and the mechanisms which causes them. The Blunt Force Traumatic Injuries covered are abrasions, contusions, lacerations, fractures,…


Computer Forensics Expert On Recovering Deleted Email Part 1

In Challenges in Recovering Deleted Email computer forensics expert witness Steve Burgess writes: Both computer forensics experts and data recovery technicians seek to recover deleted data. Data recovery is primarily interested in bringing back files, while computer forensics tends to dig deeper, looking not just for deleted documents, but also…


Crime Scene Analysis Expert Witness & Death Of College Basketball Star

A crime scene analysis expert witness will testify in the Hamilton County, TN, trial of Shanterrica Madden, accused of killing her college roommate Clantina Stewart last year. The defense says Madden acted in self-defense when she stabbed Stewart during an argument. Stewart was rushed to Middle Tennessee Medical Center where…

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