
Expert Witness Blog


Construction Site Expert Witness On Marketing Part 3

In Peaks and Valleys for Expert Witnesses construction site expert witness William Gulya, Jr., President & CEO, Middlesex Trenching Company, writes: “The worst part of a tight economy is a lack of funds to properly represent clients [President Carmen Roberto of the Ohio State Bar Association]. As a defense attorney…


Forensic Engineering Expert Witness On Power Line Accidents

Forensic engineering expert witness Brad Shepherd, P.E., writes on power line incidents: Overhead electrical power lines are installed on almost all major roadways and many other public and private rights-of-way. They are not insulated from contact (with few exceptions). When installed and maintained in accordance with the National Electrical Safety…


Airline Industry Expert Witness Testifies In American Airlines Bankruptcy

Airline industry expert witness Daniel Akins testified in New York bankruptcy court that American Airlines will need to merge with US Airways to recover from bankruptcy. Akins is a transportation economist with over 20 years of industry experience and has been involved in the restructuring of U.S. airlines including American,…


Construction Site Expert Witness On Marketing Efforts Part 2

In Peaks and Valleys for Expert Witnesses construction site expert witness William Gulya, Jr., President & CEO, Middlesex Trenching Company, writes: One would initially think slower business might mean cost cutting on safety or reduced staffing causing overworking of employees, and higher productivity demands by management causing haste and a…


Captive Insurance Expert & Certificate Program

Captive insurance expert Stewart A. Feldman is lecturing at the University of Delaware’s Captive Insurance Risk Management Certificate Program, April 18 – June 6, 2012. Feldman, CEO of Capstone Associated Services, Ltd., is an expert on insurance companies established with the objective of insuring risks emanating from their parent group(s).

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