In Attempting to Exclude Expert Testimony, construction site expert witness William Gulya, Jr., President & CEO, Middlesex Trenching Company, writes: The right to conduct voir dire examination is at the discretion of the court and may be accepted or rejected. It is important to note that the voir dire examination…
Expert Witness Blog
Medical Expert Witness May Testify For Abuse Victims
In Gage County Courthouse, Nebraska, District Judge Paul Korslund said he may allow a medical expert witness to testify on behalf of alleged abuse victims of a former caregiver at the Beatrice State Developmental Center. Matthew Pangborn is charged with six counts of abusing a vulnerable adult and five of…
Restaurants Expert Witness & What Customers Seeant
Restaurants expert witness Howard Cannon testifies in restaurant litigation regarding management neglect, injuries, food contamination, and more. He also consults in restaurant matters and and tells owners, “To a customer, a restaurant can never be too clean. The only thing a customer notices is ‘not clean enough’. That’s right, you…
Psychology Expert Witness On Litigating Competence Part 1
In Litigating Competence-Five Central Questions, psychology expert witness Philip J. Kinsler, Ph.D., writes: 1. What general issues should a competency evaluation address? 1.1. In general an examination of competence should make reference to: 1.1.1. The test for competency; 1.1.2. The condition or conditions causing incompetence (if any); 1.1.3. Treatment alternatives…
Vascular Surgery Expert Witness Testimony Qualifies In Orthopedic Surgery Case
In Brian C. DeMuth et al., v. Walter William Strong, Judge Deborah S. Eyler, Maryland Court of Special Appeals, opined that vascular surgery expert witness Dr. Jason Johanning was qualified to testify on whether orthopedic surgeon Dr. Brian C. DeMuth was liable for negligence. While Maryland law states that an…
Finding the Right Medical Malpractice Expert Witness
In Finding the Cure: Experts That Can Help You Win Your Case, trial attorney and internal medicine physician Russell Kussman writes that finding the right expert and knowing how to utilize them is a necessary skill in medical malpractice cases. Read more:
Psychology Expert Witness & Miranda Rights
Psychology expert witness William Meadows will testify in the defense of thirteen year old Duvall County, Florida, resident Cristian Fernandez. The expert had been slated to testify for the prosecution but now believes Fernandez did not understand his Miranda rights and will testify for the defense. Fernandez is charged with…
Construction Site Expert Witness On Exclusion Of Expert Testimony Part 1
In Attempting to Exclude Expert Testimony, construction site expert witness William Gulya, Jr., President & CEO, Middlesex Trenching Company, writes: Because the use of expert witnesses at trial is increasing, it comes as no surprise that attempts to exclude expert testimony are also increasing. The first and most common is…
Collecting Web Based Evidence
In Making Your Screen Shot Count – How to Defensibly Collect Web Pages and Social Media Posts When Risk of Spoliation is High or it is Infeasible to Collect from the Web Host, Paul Easton and Tom Klaff discuss electronic discovery and web based documents. They cite Arteria Property Pty…
Pharmacology Expert Witness & Murder Defense
Will County, IL, Judge Daniel Rozak is disallowing pharmacology expert witness testimony for the defense in the murder case against Christopher Vaughn. Vaughn, charged in the death of his wife and three children, is alleging that migraine medication his wife was taking led her to kill their three children and…