
Expert Witness Blog


Medical Malpractice Expert Witnesses Selected In Clausen Case

Both plaintiffs Jill Clausen, et al, and defendant Dr. Ezea Ede have selected their medical experts in a Jefferson County District Court (TX) medical malpractice case. Ede is charged with the 2010 wrongful death of Judy Gregory. Plaintiffs allege that Ede did not properly diagnose Gregory’s cardiac condition which contributed…


Crime Scene Analysis Expert Witness Testifies In Shopping Mall Shooting Case

Crime scene analysis expert witness John Wilson testified in defense of Dondray Fowler, accused of killing one man and wounding five people in Muskogee, AZ. Fowler has 30 years crime scene investigation experience and heads a state crime lab in Missouri. The expert testified that because of the location of…


Finance Expert Witness Testifies In First American Corp Case

Finance expert witness Dr. Marsha J. Courchane testified that the home appraisal company eAppraiseIT gave inflated valuations to mortgage lender Washington Mutual in 2006 – 2007. Dr. Courchane, VP and Practice Leader, Charles River Associates, heads the Financial Economics Practice in the US and UK. She testified for the prosecution…


OSHA Expert Witness On Workplace Assessments

OSHA expert witness Michelle Copeland, President of Occupational Safety Resource Inc., writes this on Workplace Assessments: Audits and program reviews are a critical and too often overlooked aspect of any effective management program, including safety management. They are tools that give you the feedback and information to accurately determine your…


Occupational Safety Expert Witness On Exposure Assessment

Occupational safety expert witness Michelle Copeland, President of Occupational Safety Resource Inc., writes this on Exposure Assessment and Control: Industrial hygiene monitoring is your primary tool in determining employee exposures to chemicals, noise, heat, radiation, and other workplace hazards. Accurate exposure determination enables you to ensure compliance with OSHA (Occupational…

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