
Expert Witness Blog


Pesticides Expert Witnesses

Pesticides expert witnesses may give opinions regarding pesticide contamination, pesticide products, and pesticide pollution. According to the International HCH and Pesticides Association, it is very difficult to estimate to assess the real extent of the obsolete pesticides problem, as only a limited number of field investigations have been made globally,…


Patents Expert Witnesses

Patents expert witnesses may write reports on drug patents, patent prosecution, and patent infringement. In a recent post on /, Judge Richard Posner of the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit writes: Do patent and copyright law restrict competition and creativity excessively? I am concerned that both…


Biomechanics Expert Witness On Helmets & Concussion Part 4

In Do Helmets Prevent Concussion? biomechanics expert witness John D. Lloyd, Ph.D., M.Erg.S., CPE, CBIS, writes: Protection against concussion and axonal injury is especially important for young players, including peewee, high school, and college participants, whose still-developing brains are more susceptible to the lasting effects of encephalopathy. Therefore, the need…


Excessive Force Expert Witness Testifies In Case Against Maryland Officers

A former Maryland state trooper testified as an excessive force expert witness in the case against Prince George County, MD, officers Reginald Baker and James Harrison. Baker and Harrison are charged with excessive force in hitting a University of Maryland student with batons during a basketball postgame celebration. Student John…


Biomechanics Expert Witness On Helmets & Concussion Part 3

In Do Helmets Prevent Concussion? biomechanics expert witness John D. Lloyd, Ph.D., M.Erg.S., CPE, CBIS, writes: Using proprietary miniature sensors to measure concussion risk at the center of the brain, BRAINS researchers completed more than 330 tests across ten popular helmet brands. The team concluded that while these helmets provide…


School Safety Expert Witness On School Safety Cases Part 2

In EVALUATING AN EXPERT WITNESS FOR SCHOOL SAFETY CASES, school safety expert witness Michael Dorn writes: Introduction There has been a dramatic increase in the number of people who work in the field of school safety, security and emergency preparedness since the tragic Columbine High School attack on April 20,…


Your Competitive Advantage As An Expert Witness Part 1

In Your Competitive Advantage, leading authority on expert witness marketing and founder of Expert Communications Rosalie Hamilton writes: Who is your competition, and how do you compare? Considering that most cases requiring an expert witness involve at least two experts and our society shows no signs of becoming less litigious,…


Rosalie Hamilton On Expert Witness Advertising Part 1

In Who Said Experts Shouldn’t Advertise?, leading authority on expert witness marketing and founder of Expert Communications Rosalie Hamilton writes: In response to one of our recent emails to Expert News readers, we received an email saying, “I thought experts are not supposed to advertise, even through websites.” I think…

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