
Expert Witness Blog


Tobacco Expert Witness & $27B Lawsuit

Quebec Justice Brian Riordan agreed to hear the testimony of Stanford University’s Robert Proctor in the class action case against Imperial Tobacco Canada Ltd., Rothmans, Benson & Hedges, and JTI-Macdonald. The tobacco expert witness published Tobacco and the Global Lung Cancer Epidemic in 2001 and has previously testified in 30…


Thoracic Surgery Expert Witnesses

Thoracic surgery expert witnesses may opine on pulmonology, chest medicine, respiratory medicine, and more. The American Association for Thoracic Surgery writes: One of the most important and controversial figures in malpractice litigation is the physician expert witness. The number of malpractice suits and the size of awards for damages have…


Advanced Trial Skills Workshop For Expert Witnesses

SEAK, Inc. is offering the program Advanced Trial Skills Workshop For Expert Witnesses January 24-25, 2013. SEAK has trained well over 20,000 expert witnesses, physicians, lawyers and nurses nationwide, and is located on Cape Cod, MA. Executive Summary: This is the hands-on intensive training program for expert witnesses who want…


Deposing An Expert Witness Part 1

In Deposing an Expert Witness, litigator Daniel P. Dain writes: Goals and Strategies The deposition of an expert witness is the culmination of the opposing party’s defense or prosecution theory of the case. Before taking an expert’s deposition, the parties should have completed fact discovery-interrogatories answered, documents obtained, lay witnesses…

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