
Expert Witness Blog


Pesticides Expert Witnesses

Pesticides expert witnesses may write reports and testify on pesticide contamination, insects, pesticide products, and pest control. On its website, The International HCH & Pesticides Association offers the title: Obsolete (lethal) Pesticides, a ticking time bomb and why we have to act now. Authors: John Vijgen, Director of the International…


Guidelines For The Expert Witness Part 3

In Guidelines For The Expert Witness, Judge Timothy T. Daley, Family and Youth Court Judge Province of Nova Scotia, offers trial preparation guidelines including: Accept the unfamiliarity of testifying rules. The main objections raised by counsel to expert testimony arise because of hearsay and a proper foundation for the opinions…


Propietary Knowledge Expert Witnesses

Proprietary knowledge expert witnesses may testify on trade secrets, confidential information, patents, software , and related matters. On December 21, 2012, the Hewlett-Packard Company petitioned the Travis County District Court (TX), to take depositions from former HP executives Gregg Hansen and Todd MacKenzie. Grounds for the petition state: On November…


Mistakes Attorneys Make With Medical Negligence Cases

In Seven Costly Mistakes Attorneys Make With Medical Negligence Cases, Dr. Burton Bentley of Elite Medical Experts LLC writes: Although the rate of negligence claims against medical providers has begun to level off, the cost of litigating these actions has risen dramatically. Vast amounts of time and money are lost…


Medical Malpractice Expert Witnesses

Medical malpractice expert witnesses may consult on issues involving medical negligence, healthcare providers malpractice, and medical malpractice litigation. The American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Medical Liability and Risk Management offers Guidelines for Expert Witness Testimony in Medical Malpractice Litigation on their website. The article includes discussion on standards of…


Patents Expert Witnesses & $1.17B Carnegie Mellon Award

Patents expert witnesses may opine on patent infringement, software patents, invention patents, and more. In the news this week, Carnegie Mellon University has been awarded almost $1.17B in its patent infringement lawsuit against Marvell Technology Group Ltd. The jury found that Marvell, maker of data storage chips, infringed on Carnegie…

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