
Expert Witness Blog


Cameron International Released From Deepwater Horizon Trial

U.S. District Judge Carl Barbier released Cameron International Corporation as a defendant in the first phase of the trial to identify responsibility in the 2010 Deepwater Horizon disaster. Cameron produced the blowout preventer used on the Deepwater Horizon oil rig and Judge Barbier found no negligence on their part. Cameron…


Police Procedures Expert Witness On New York Stop & Frisk Program

Columbia Professor of Law Jeffrey Fagan testified in the trial against the New York City Police Department’s “stop and frisk” program. The police procedures expert witness represented plaintiffs who say they were illegally stopped and frisked. reports Fagan testified that the “stop and frisk” practice was based on race…


Legal Fees Expert Witness On Reasonable Attorney Fees

In W.D. Penn. Court reduces “Petition for Reasonable Attorneys Fees,” legal fees expert witness James King writes: W.D. Penn. Court reduces “Petition for Reasonable Attorneys Fees” to make requested hourly rates consistent with prevailing market rates for routine discovery disputes, rather than “overall trial victories.” In Sandvik Intellectual Prop. AB…


Insurance Expert Witness On Recurring Insurance Litigation Themes Part 3

In Property & Casualty Insurance Procurement & Litigation (Ten Recurring Themes Every Lawyer Should Know) insurance expert witness David L. Stegall, CPCU, ARM, ARe, RPA, of Risk Consulting & Expert Services writes on ten recurring themes that often lead to litigation. Attorneys either dealing in insurance procurement litigation issues or…


Forensic Psychiatry Expert Witness On Difficult Diagnosis

The forensic psychiatry expert witness who testified in the case against Richard Kachkar said the defendant was difficult to diagnose. Kachkar is charged with the death Toronto police officer Sargent Ryan Russell. Kachkar drove a stolen snowplow through Toronto and struck down Officer Russell. Expert witness Dr. John Bradford is…


OSHA Expert Witnesses & Railroad Company Violations

OSHA expert witnesses may consult and write reports on workplace safety, job hazards, OSHA regulations and more. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration released findings this month against the Norfolk Southern Railway over its actions in response to an injured worker. PRNewswire reports that Northern Southern Railway fired a Brotherhood…


Accident Investigation Expert Witness On Evidence Collection Part 2

In Event Data Recorders: Proper Evidence Collection in Criminal, Insurance and Tort Liability Investigations, accident investigation expert witness Shawn Gyorke writes: The mandatory terms of this type of legislation (preservation of physical evidence), which demands the preservation and production of all forensic evidence, can be reinforced by the explicit terms…


Pesticide Pollution Expert Witnesses & Norovirus Disease

Pesticide pollution expert witnesses may report on pesticide products, pesticide regulations, insecticides, and associated topics. In the news, pesticide application may pose a microbiological public health risk. The consumption of fresh produce is frequently associated with outbreaks of human norovirus (hNoV) disease. Data published in the International Journal of Food…

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