
Expert Witness Blog


Safety Expert Witnesses & Bangladesh Factory Collapse

Safety expert witnesses may provide reports concerning safety codes, safety standards, and safety inspections. After the April 2013 collapse of the Dhaka, Bangladesh, textile factory complex, all the Ashulia industrial zone factories have been shut down. Criminal cases have been brought against at least 177 garment factories after they failed…


Computer Security Expert Witnesses & $45M ATM Theft

Computer security expert witnesses may consult regarding network security, network forensics, computer forensics, computer crime, hacking, and data security. reports that hackers stole $45M from thousands of ATM machines in just hours. The thieves hacked into a database of prepaid debit cards and then drained ATMs. Read more at…


Cardiology Expert Witness Testifies In Jackson Family Lawsuit

Cardiology expert witness Dr. Daniel Wohlgelernter testified Tuesday that Dr. Conrad Murray was not qualified to treat Michael Jackson. Jackson’s family is suing concert promoters at AEG Live saying that AEG should be responsible for hiring Dr. Murray. Dr. Wohlgelernter, Cardiology Consultants of Santa Monica, earned his medical degree from…


Sports Injuries Expert Witnesses & Referee Death

Sports injuries expert witnesses may consult on exercise physiology, sports injuries, sports medicine, and orthopedic rehabilitation, as well as related topics. reports that 46 year old soccer referee Ricardo Portillo has died after being punched in the head by a 17 year old goalie. The player was called for…


Oil & Gas Expert Witnesses & Hydraulic Fracking

Oil and gas expert witnesses may opine regarding oil and gas pumps, fracking, petrochemical manufacturing, oil field explosions, and related matters. In the news, Mora County, N.M. has voted to ban oil and gas extraction using hydraulic fracking. Commissioners believe federal and state laws are not adequately protecting communities from…


Environmental Toxicology & Plutonium Contamination

Environmental toxicology expert witnesses may consult on chemical spills, forensic toxicology, toxic chemicals exposure, and related matters. In the news, two workers at the Idaho National Laboratory research facility have filed a complaint with OSHA against Battelle Energy Alliance after being exposed to plutonium contamination in 2011. Ralph Stanton and…


Rosalie Hamilton On “Attorneys Know The Drill”

In Litigants Are Not Your Clients, expert witness marketing consultant Rosalie Hamilton offers the caution that rarely does good come from doing “legal work” for a non-legal client. In the future, if/when you get a call from an individual, simply inform him/her that you do medical-legal consulting work only for…

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