
New ABA Criminal Mental Health/Disability Law Book

The ABA Commission on Mental and Physical Disability Law and the ABA Criminal Justice Section announces a new publication Criminal Mental Health and Disability Law, Evidence and Testimony: A Comprehensive Reference Manual for Lawyers, Judges and Criminal Justice Professionals. The new criminal mental health/disability law book is the most comprehensive to date and the first book to examine in detail the legal relationships that link criminal justice, mental health, and disability discrimination law.

Chapters include:

A legal history of mental health and disability in the criminal justice system
Overview of legal terms, concepts, developments, and considerations
Criminal incompetency: pre-trial, trial, and post-trial
Insanity and diminished culpability
Dangerousness standards in the law, including death penalty
Jails, prisons and secure “treatment” facilities: conditions of confinement and release
Admissibility of expert evidence and testimony
Mental health diagnoses and assessments
Detailed index and table of contents
Table of cases

To order, visit the ABA webstore or call: 1-800-285-2221

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