
Marketing Expert & Keeping Your Small Business Going Part 2

Marketing expert Rosalie Hamilton offers this article on her website: Keeping Your Small Business Going After Surgery, by Dr. Jean Murray.

I wanted to tell you about my experience and give you some suggestions for getting through with your health and your business intact.

3. Get help. I turned over all my bookkeeping to my brother-in-law, who works cheap and who is a QuickBooks wizard. And I loaded my VA up with tasks. Of course, you may not have a VA or a brother-in-law, but you’d be surprised how friends and family will pitch in if you ask.

4. Focus on the essentials. Don’t spend time on items that aren’t necessary right now.

5. Don’t overestimate. The biggest shock I had was how bad I felt for so long, partly because of the drugs I was taking for pain, but just in general too. I had difficulty concentrating on work for very long, and I spent a lot of time sleeping and watching TV (and I NEVER watch TV!).

It has only been in the last week that I have been able to sit for any time in a chair. I do as much as I can every day, and that’s all. I have been able to keep up with my work, but just barely. If I had tried to do more, the stress would have not been helpful.

6. Think long-term. I learned I could make it through surgery and keep my business going. No, it’s not expanding, but that’s OK.

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