
Insurance Claims Expert Witnesses & Auto Insurance Fraud Part 1

Insurance claims expert witnesses may opine on insurance policy interpretation, insurance fraud, and related topics. In 8 Great Ways to Get Busted for Auto Insurance Fraud, writes:

Insurance fraud is becoming more frequent as people look for “creative” ways to make money in the struggling economy. Insurance companies find that people file more claims in a down economy, often for smaller amounts. And, fraud is an increasing problem. With so many claims for car insurance companies to process, it may seem like a fraudulent claim can slip through unnoticed. Not so.

Just like the team on CSI uses advanced techniques to analyze evidence and figure out what happened, an insurance company’s Special Investigations Unit or SIU-which often includes reps with law enforcement experience-conducts a thorough investigation to detect fraud. (Please note that reminds consumers that insurance fraud is illegal and a very bad idea.) Here are a few things fraudsters try to get away with-and why it’s rare that they will:

1. Leave your car unlocked with the keys inside.

(When it disappears, pretend you don’t know what happened and report it stolen.) The missed car payments are piling up and it’s costing you way more than it’s worth. Wouldn’t it be great if you didn’t have to worry about it anymore? A good SIU investigation includes a financial review to identify how far behind on your payments you are, the discovery of the fact that you’re missing a set of keys, and, when the car is recovered, that there are no signs of forced entry.

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