
Forensic Accounting Expert Witness On Which Expert Do You Need? Part 1

Forensic accounting expert witness Richard Teichner, CPA, CVA, CDFAJ, answers the question Do I need a forensic accountant or valuations expert in my case?

Certified public accountants who provide litigation support services are often referred to as “forensic accountants”. They normally are used as experts in accounting related matters that are necessary in support of business or family law litigation matters. What makes forensic accountants different is that they are experienced in using multiple methods of financial and economic analysis to provide appropriate and objective conclusions on complex financial issues, often when the facts or data are incomplete. If you are representing a client in a matter that requires financial evaluation, such as a determination of economic damages, tracing funds that have been diverted, personal injury and other matters involving financial issues, then a forensic accountant can be a valuable asset to your case. If a business valuation is needed as a means to measure damages or for other purposes in litigation, in divorce matters, or regarding the purchase or sale of a business (or business interest), then a business valuator can assist in the process.

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