
Trucking Computer Systems Expert Witness On Truck Crashes Part 3

Depending on type of system used and data computed, this information is invaluable to crash reconstruction efforts. Each system develops reports in multiple formats that can be deciphered for indisputable information that can prove or disprove action of the driver or vehicle involved in a crash. These systems are similar to an airplane’s ” black box”. This article gives examples and explanations of items of importance that need to be addressed and data that may be available in these systems for use in large truck crash reconstruction.

1.Identify vehicles, both trucks and trailers – serial numbers, gross vehicle weight ratings {GVWR}, date of manufacture model numbers, company numbers, fuel tax sticker {IFTA}, DOT numbers and ICC/MC numbers.

2.Complete photos of vehicles, truck and trailer, not just damaged areas. Photos of crash scene and pavement area including skid marks. Do not attribute skid marks until it is determined if unit or units are equipped with “ABS” brakes and “ABS” is functional. Tractor could be “ABS”, trailer could not have “ABS” or visa versa.

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