
Comprehensive Expert Witness Background Profiles are Now Available

EXPERT WITNESS PROFILER, LLC (“EWP”), the expert witness research company, announced the official launch of its service to provide comprehensive background profiles on experts and consultants. The Expert Witness Profile report allows attorneys, paralegals, law librarians, legal investigators, insurance carriers, and other legal professionals to properly vet an expert they may retain, or to develop cross examination or exclusionary material for the opponent’s expert.

The Profile report details the expert’s litigation history, disciplinary history, prior expert witness testimony, expert challenges, licensing history, professional and educational background, and much more. The Profile includes information on how to access available depositions, motions, briefs, articles, and other documents referencing that expert. Each report involves a minimum of 20 hours of research by attorneys and professional legal researchers who leverage databases that are not readily available to the public. The primary goal of the Expert Witness Profile is to save legal professionals time and money, and to deliver a deeper, broader and timelier result than if the legal professional attempted to acquire information about an expert on their own.

EWP was founded by Jim Robinson, Esq., and expert witness/legal research executive Myles Levin. Mr. Robinson and Mr. Levin are two of the co-authors of Finding and Researching Experts and Their Testimony, the definitive white paper on researching experts as well as co-authors of the first chapter of the American Bar Association’s recent publication, Litigators on Experts: Strategies for Managing Expert Witnesses from Retention through Trial. Combined, they have over 40 years experience in researching expert witnesses through the companies they founded, JurisPro Expert Witness Directory and the Daubert Tracker, respectively. EWP’s research team is comprised of over 25 legal professionals specially trained to use advanced research tools and techniques to locate difficult to find information about expert witnesses.

Co-founder Myles Levin states: “Unlike other expert witness due diligence reports, the EWP Profile report is custom researched by live legal professionals. It is not canned. This ensures the EWP Profile report is more comprehensive, more up to date, and more accurate.”

EWP’s Board of Advisors includes Tim Stanley, Esq., founder of Findlaw and Justia; Carole Levitt, J.D., M.L.S., and Mark Rosch, nationally recognized authors on researching expert witnesses, and the principals Internet for Lawyers; Robert Ambrogi, Esq., the former director of the Litigation Services division at American Lawyer Media and the publisher of the law blog, Lawsites; Rosalie Hamilton, the leading authority on expert witness marketing and founder of Expert Communications; and Melinda Sungenis, the President/CEO of The TASA Group, Inc., the nation’s leading expert referral service.

Tim Stanley points out, “Experts are not always honest about their credentials. Inadequate expert witness due diligence can have disastrous consequences; and in some circumstances, can even rise to the level of legal malpractice.”

Carole Levitt states, “Despite the importance of using qualified experts, few attorneys take the time, or even have the time, to utilize the proper resources to research experts, evaluate their qualifications, and assess the admissibility of their testimony. The Expert Witness Profiler is the best tool to research experts in an efficient and timely manner.”

To order an Expert Witness Profile on a particular expert, please visit, call 888-894-8208 or write to

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