
Articles Posted in Trial Strategy


Deposing An Expert Witness Part 1

In Deposing an Expert Witness, litigator Daniel P. Dain writes: Goals and Strategies The deposition of an expert witness is the culmination of the opposing party’s defense or prosecution theory of the case. Before taking an expert’s deposition, the parties should have completed fact discovery-interrogatories answered, documents obtained, lay witnesses…


Wireless Technology Expert Witness On Hiring An Expert Part 1

In The Seven Rules for Hiring a Wireless Technology Expert, wireless technology expert witness Jonathan Wells PhD, MBA, President, AJIS Wireless Consulting, writes: Nowadays, wireless technology is ubiquitous. We all carry cell phones, navigate via GPS, check our emails when sitting in coffee shops and hotel rooms, and connect to…


Hospitality Expert Witness On ADR Part 5

In Alternative Dispute Resolution in the Hospitality Industry hospitality expert witness Maurice Robinson writes on arbitration: Arbitration is a well-established form of dispute resolution that provides the parties with a final and legally binding decision. The decision is enforceable by a court of law typically after only a very limited…


Cross Border Data Protection

In Addressing the Challenges of Cross-Border Data Protection and eDiscovery The Organization of Legal Professionals writes: One of the more troubling eDiscovery issues that globalization has inadvertently imposed on organizations is compliance with a complex set of international data protection and privacy laws. These laws present a significant challenge to…

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