
Articles Posted in Trial Strategy


Metallurgy Expert Witness On FEA Part 2

Steve Roensch, President of Roensch & Associates and metallurgy expert witness, discusses Finite Element Analysis: FEA is applied to many types of problems, such as temperatures in consumer electronics, airflow around aircraft, and magnetic fields in electric motors. By far the most common application is structural FEA — determining how…


Metallurgy Expert Witness On FEA

Steve Roensch, President of Roensch & Associates and metallurgy expert witness, discusses Finite Element Analysis: Many legal professionals are exposed to Finite Element Analysis (FEA) in the courtroom and hire metallurgists to study failures across many industries..Finite element analysis is regularly applied to a vast array of products when something…


Cross Examination of Medical Expert Witnesses Part 2

In Cross-Examination of Experts On “Underlying Facts or Data,” Carl Robin Teague writes that cases involving complex questions of medical causation often turn on the “battle of the experts.” Whether the testifying expert witness is a “primary” expert (i.e. published or participated in the study upon which his opinions are…


Cross Examination of Medical Expert Witnesses Part 1

In Cross-Examination of Experts On “Underlying Facts or Data,” Carl Robin Teague writes that products liability cases involving complex questions of medical causation often turn on the “battle of the experts.” As this battle takes on heightened importance, more and more litigants – citing Daubert’s focus on the expert’s methodology…

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