
Articles Posted in Researching Experts


Accident Reconstruction Expert Witness On Low Speed Impacts Part 2

In Accident Reconstruction of Low Speed Impacts, accident reconstruction and automotive engineering expert witness writes: Even if high speed barrier crash tests could be validly generalized to low-speed crashes with moving cars, they cannot help predict the energy transferred in any one crash because vehicles differ considerably in their ability…


Insurance Claims Expert Witnesses & Bad Faith Liability Part 1

Insurance claims expert witnesses may opine on insurance companies, bad faith, liability insurance, and related topics. In When Insurers Hide Behind their Experts in Texas, Sergio V. Leal, Esq. writes: One strategy insurance companies use to avoid bad faith liability is claiming that they reasonably relied on their experts’ reports…


Business Income Claims Expert Witnesses Part 1

Business income claims expert witnesses may advise on issues involving loss of revenue, insurance fraud, and related issues. Here Bruce D. Smith, CPA and certified fraud examiner explains: What is a Forensic Accounting? The Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE) explains that, “Forensic accounting is the use of professional accounting…


Real Estate Expert Witness On The Almost Paperless Office Part 2

In How we created an almost paperless real estate expert office, real estate expert witness Merrie Turner Lightner writes on shared virtual work spaces: The skeleton of our virtual workspace is Central Desktop. Case documents are uploaded just once and reside in a secure virtual library, hugely reducing paper waste…


Medical Insurance Expert Witnesses & Healthcare Vote

Medical insurance expert witnesses may provide testimony regarding managed care, HMOs, and related topics. Here, the National Association of Professional Insurance Agents reports: The U.S. Senate fell six votes short on November 29 in a bid to repeal a provision of the healthcare law requiring businesses of all sizes, as…


Accident Reconstruction Expert Witness On Low Speed Impacts Part 1

In Accident Reconstruction of Low Speed Impacts, accident reconstruction and automotive engineering expert witness writes: Low speed impacts represent substantial number of accident-related claims and deserve attention of experts in the accident reconstruction field. Low speed impacts often occur at the intersections when a moving car rear-ends a stationary vehicle…

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