
Articles Posted in Researching Experts


Insurance Expert Witness On Pollution Exclusions Part 2

In The I.S.O. Pollution Exclusion: How Far Does It Go?, insurance expert witness Dale C. Crawford writes: In responding to judicial interpretations supportive of coverage, the language became quite restrictive. Two key clauses are the definition of pollutants and the exclusionary terms: “Pollutants” mean any solid, liquid, gaseous or thermal…


Health Physics Expert Witnesses

Health physics expert witnesses may write reports and opine on radiation safety. In Consumer Products Containing Radioactive Materials the Health Physics Society writes: Everything we encounter in our daily lives contains some radioactive material, some naturally occurring and some man-made: the air we breathe, the water we drink, the food…


Collision Analysis Expert Witness On Cause Analysis Part 3

In What is Traffic Accident Reconstruction And Cause Analysis?, collision analysis expert witness Patrick Scott Moore writes: When selecting a reconstruction specialist the experience, training, education, and certifications of the candidate should be thoroughly examined. The best approach is to require the candidate to have a strong background in each…


Atmospheric Physics Expert Witnesses

Atmospheric physics expert witnesses apply physics to the study of the atmosphere. Atmospheric physicists attempt to model Earth’s atmosphere and the atmospheres of the other planets using fluid flow equations, chemical models, radiation balancing, and energy transfer processes in the atmosphere (as well as how these tie in to other…


Traffic Accident Reconstruction Expert Witness On Cause Analysis Part 2

In What is Traffic Accident Reconstruction And Cause Analysis?, traffic accident reconstruction expert witness Patrick Scott Moore writes: Who are Reconstruction Specialists and how are they trained? Reconstruction specialists are generally engineers, physicists, or law enforcement. Engineers and physicists are educated in the laws of physics, and therefore, are considered…


Risk Management Expert Witness On Risk Assessment Part 5

In What the Defendant Can Do Wrong, security management and risk management expert witness Ira Somerson, BCFE, CPP, CSC, writes on discovery and investigation of a Security Program: Discovery and investigation of a premises security matters should seek to identify: ■ Did Defendant routinely conduct qualitative and quantitative risk assessments?…


Leasing Expert Witness On Office Building Appraisal

In Medical Office Building Appraisal, leasing expert witness Orell Anderson, MAI, of Bell, Anderson & Sanders LLC, writes: Even when equipped with a complete understanding of how to appraise a standard office building, to appraise a medical office building an appraiser must thoroughly understand the many characteristics that make us…


Accident Reconstruction Expert Witness On Cause Analysis Part 1

In What is Traffic Accident Reconstruction And Cause Analysis?, accident reconstruction expert witness Patrick Scott Moore writes: Traffic accident reconstruction is the science of recreating the dynamics of a collision in an attempt to determine the causes. A complete reconstruction requires a complete investigation and analysis of all relevant evidence,…


Media Expert Witnesses & Social Media Part 3

Media expert witnesses may opine on mass media, music, television, and social media. In No “R” in Social Media Tom Morse, Media Communications Association Central Carolina Chapter President writes: Things can get murky when it comes to “soft metrics,” such as measuring views on YouTube, comments on blogs, brand mentions,…


Insurance Claims Expert Witnesses & Auto Insurance Fraud Part 5

Insurance claims expert witnesses may opine on insurance policy interpretation, insurance fraud, and related topics. In 8 Great Ways to Get Busted for Auto Insurance Fraud, writes: 8. Buy insurance for a loss you already had. This is one of the all-time classics. You’ve been meaning to get comprehensive…

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