
Articles Posted in Researching Experts


Risk Management Expert Witness On Risk Assessment Part 8

In What the Defendant Can Do Wrong, security management and risk management expert witness Ira Somerson, BCFE, CPP, CSC, writes on security oversight: Unfortunately security managers are not taught security management in business schools. Most security problems are business and people problems, but still no serious effort exists (with an…


Property Insurance Expert Witnesses

Property insurance expert witnesses may write reports and opine on flood insurance, earthquake insurance, home insurance, and related topics. Here, Sheryl Devereaux, Houston Political Buzz Examiner, reports on Texas House Committee legislation regarding property insurance: Impassioned and expert testimony about two bills in the Texas Legislature, HB 272 and HB2818,…


Semiconductors Expert Witness & Key Terms

Semiconductors expert witness Ron Maltiel includes links on his website to industry information which includes a Semiconductor Glossary. The purpose of the glossary is to “give you an instant explanation of key terms and concepts in the area of semiconductor materials, manufacturing and devices.” You may also find links to:…


Long Term Disability Insurance Expert Witnesses

Long term disability insurance expert witnesses may opine on disability income insurance, state disability insurance, disability insurance benefits, and related topics. In How To Prepare For Your Disability Hearing, Insurance News writes on the hearing process and what to expect: You’ll probably be in a room with the judge, a…


Risk Management Expert Witness On Risk Assessment Part 7

In What the Defendant Can Do Wrong, security management and risk management expert witness Ira Somerson, BCFE, CPP, CSC, writes on tracking security incidents. The trick is to create a policy and procedure with management’s strong support that ensures employees will report incidents the very first time they experience an…


Semiconductors Expert Witness On Semiconductor Technology

In Introduction to Semiconductor Device Manufacturing, semiconductor expert witness Ron Maltiel writes: Semiconductor technology is continuously evolving and becoming more prevalent in our lives due to the significant advances in the technology and decreases in cost. One of the prominent trends in semiconductor technology over the last 40 years has…


Business Expert Witnesses & Succession Planning Part 1

Business expert witnesses may advise regarding executive management, director duties, executive compensation, and related topics. writes that about 98% of corporate executives believe succession planning is important, yet only 35% have a succession plan in place, according to a recent survey by the Korn/Ferry Institute. In Taking Over: Insider…


Risk Management Expert Witness On Risk Assessment Part 6

In What the Defendant Can Do Wrong, security management and risk management expert witness Ira Somerson, BCFE, CPP, CSC, writes on inherent risks. Inherent Risks: When you ask someone what is the primary risk in a convenience store operation, the usual answer is “robbery.” Others may say shoplifting, but from…


Marketing Strategy Expert Witnesses Part 2

Marketing strategy expert witnesses may write reports and opine on branding, market studies, market analysis, and related topics. Here, WOMMA, the Word of Mouth Marketing Association describes common types of word of mouth marketing. Evangelist Marketing: Cultivating evangelists, advocates, or volunteers who are encouraged to take a leadership role in…


Collision Speed Expert Witness On Cause Analysis Part 4

In What is Traffic Accident Reconstruction And Cause Analysis?, collision speed expert witness Patrick Scott Moore writes: Why use a Reconstruction Specialist? Attorneys understand the law and the procedures of a civil suit or criminal trial. However, most attorneys do not have the expert knowledge required to explain the causal…

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