
Articles Posted in Researching Experts


Commercial Liability Policies Expert Witnesses

Commercial liability policies expert witnesses may consult on insurance policies, third party insurance claims, and associated matters. In Will Your Commercial General Liability Policy Cover I. P. Litigation?, attorneys at Shimokaji & Associates, P.C, write: Part 1 of this article addressed whether your Commercial General Liability (CGL) policy provided coverage…


Insurance Fraud Expert Witnesses Part 3

Insurance fraud expert witnesses may consult on the insurance industry, health insurance, disability insurance, and affiliated matters. On December 14, 2011, the Illinois Department of Insurance issued this press release: The Illinois Department of Insurance Uncovers Company Selling Fraudulent Health Insurance – Department Offers Advice on How to Avoid Scam…


Media Formats Expert Witnesses

Media formats expert witnesses may consult on newspapers, TV, magazines, and books. The Communications Consortium Media Center reports that Vocus, a provider of on-demand software for public relations management, has released the State of the Media Report 2011. The report covers the four traditional media segments including newspapers, magazines, television…


Entertainment Expert Witnesses & SOPA

Entertainment expert witnesses may consult on movies television, and correlated matters. In an effort to strengthen copyright enforcement online, The U.S. House of Representatives has been debating H.R.3261, The Stop Online Piracy Act but the congressional vote has been delayed until 2012. The legislation seeks to curb overseas Internet sites…


Insurance Fraud Expert Witnesses Part 4

Insurance fraud expert witnesses may consult on the insurance industry, health insurance, disability insurance, and affiliated matters. On December 14, 2011, the Illinois Department of Insurance issued this press release: The Illinois Department of Insurance Uncovers Company Selling Fraudulent Health Insurance – Department Offers Advice on How to Avoid Scam…


Insurance Fraud Expert Witnesses Part 2

Insurance fraud expert witnesses may consult on the insurance industry, health insurance, disability insurance, and affiliated matters. On December 14, 2011, the Illinois Department of Insurance issued this press release: The Illinois Department of Insurance Uncovers Company Selling Fraudulent Health Insurance – Department Offers Advice on How to Avoid Scam…

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