Articles Posted in Researching Experts


Auto Insurance Claims Expert Witnesses Part 2

Auto insurance claims expert witnesses may testify on insurance carriers, insurance policies, and related matters. In 1990, insurance expert, Dr. Lena Chang and former New Jersey Insurance Commissioner James J. Sheeran founded New Jersey Citizens United Reciprocal Exchange (“NJ CURE”) which is now CURE Auto Insurance. Their website offers Safety…


Homeowner’s Insurance Expert Witnesses

Homeowner’s insurance expert witnesses may write reports and opine on insurance coverage, insurance companies, and associated issues. Insurance expert Eustace L. Greaves Jr., licensed insurance agent and broker/owner of Greaves Financial Services & The Bridge Insurance Agency, recently shared advice on the top things homeowners can do to lower the…


Auto Insurance Claims Expert Witnesses

Auto insurance claims expert witnesses may testify on insurance carriers, insurance policies, and related matters. In 1990, insurance expert, Dr. Lena Chang and former New Jersey Insurance Commissioner James J. Sheeran founded New Jersey Citizens United Reciprocal Exchange (“NJ CURE”) which is now CURE Auto Insurance. Their website offers Safety…


Seismology Expert Witnesses

Siesmology expert witnesses may provide reports concerning earthquake building codes, earthquake engineering, and structural issues involving earthquakes. In the news this week, seismology expert John Armbruster of Columbia University’s Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory predicts more minor earthquakes in the northeast Ohio area after the 4.0 event New Year’s Day. Scientists at…


Wireless Technology Expert Witness On Texting While Driving

In Preventing Texting-while-Driving Reduces Distracted Driving, wireless technology expert witness Ben Levitan writes: While it has been recognized that there is no such thing as multi-tasking, many people still believe that they are able to multi-task. According to cognitive psychologists, multi-tasking is more accurately described as a continuous partial attention.…


Human Factors Engineering Expert On Workplace Injuries Part 2

In Workplace Accidents, human factors engineering expert witness Kenneth Nemire writes: Injuries in the workplace may occur because of one or more factors: Behavioral factors may include: • Insufficient operation or safety training • Failure to wear protective equipment • Inattention to environmental conditions such as scaffolding • Ingestion of…


Medical Expert Witnesses

In What’s the difference? Making sense of titles for doctors, nutritionists, writes: Finding the right medical expert can be one of the most frustrating aspects of health care. Osteopathic physicians are medical doctors (M.D.s), for example, but not all M.D.s are osteopathic physicians. Meanwhile, all dietitians are nutritionists, but…


Worker’s Compensation Plans Expert Witnesses

Worker’s compensation plans expert witnesses may consult on wage-loss benefits, medical and career rehabilitation benefits, and benefits to dependents. A starting point for research into state specific links regarding worker’s compensation insurance may be found at the International Risk Management Institute, Inc. site: Workers Compensation Assigned Risk Plans and Pools.


Human Factors Engineering Expert On Workplace Injuries

In Workplace Accidents, human factors engineering expert witness Kenneth Nemire writes: Injuries in the workplace may occur because of one or more factors: • Environmental factors may include: • Poorly designed equipment, procedures, jobs, environment • Instrument panel layout that results in performance errors • Inadequate illumination to support work…

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