
Articles Posted in Researching Experts


Document Examination Expert Witness On Attorney Questions #2

In Questions Attorneys Pose Regarding Document Examination, document examination expert witness Jan Leach writes: 4. How are document examiners paid? The document examiner is paid a retainer to begin the case. Fees are generally posted and set . The fees are not related to outcomes. Document Examiners are paid for…


Document Examination Expert Witness On Attorney Questions Part 1

In Questions Attorneys Pose Regarding Document Examination, document examination expert witness Jan Leach writes: 1. Should I hire an expert as a consultant or as an expert witness? Consultants can sit with you during a trial proceeding and offer insight. An expert witness will present a finding in court and…


Document Examination Expert Witness On Report Writing Part 1

In Report Writing and Opinion Terminology, document examination expert witness Ronald N. Morris writes: INTRODUCTION At the conclusion of the analysis phase of an examination and comparison, the Forensic Document Examiner (FDE) writes a report that should be complete, standing on its own without having to rely on the availability…


OSHA Expert Witness On Workplace Assessments

OSHA expert witness Michelle Copeland, President of Occupational Safety Resource Inc., writes this on Workplace Assessments: Audits and program reviews are a critical and too often overlooked aspect of any effective management program, including safety management. They are tools that give you the feedback and information to accurately determine your…


Occupational Safety Expert Witness On Exposure Assessment

Occupational safety expert witness Michelle Copeland, President of Occupational Safety Resource Inc., writes this on Exposure Assessment and Control: Industrial hygiene monitoring is your primary tool in determining employee exposures to chemicals, noise, heat, radiation, and other workplace hazards. Accurate exposure determination enables you to ensure compliance with OSHA (Occupational…


Night Clubs Expert Witnesses

Night clubs expert witnesses may advise regarding bar security, lounge security, and night club security. In SECURITY: By Design And Decree security expert witness Robert A. Gardner, CPP, writes: “Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design” is a concept which blends psychology, architectural design, landscape and open space planning, physical security systems,…

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