
Articles Posted in Researching Experts


Oil & Gas Expert Witnesses & New EPA Standards

Oil and gas expert witnesses may consult on oil and gas pumps, fracking, petrochemical manufacturing, pipelines, crude oil, and the petroleum industry, as well as related topics. On September 24, 2013, the EPA published final amendments to sections of its 2012 New Source Performance Standard regarding storage vessels used in…


Property Insurance Expert Witnesses & Flood Insurance

Property insurance expert witnesses may consult on home insurance, property claims, fire insurance, flood insurance, and earthquake insurance. In the news, flood insurance rates are scheduled to go up sharply on October 1, 2013 as part of the Biggert-Waters Flood Insurance Reform Act of 2012. BW 2012 will require the…


International Trade Expert Witness On Quality Fade Part 2

In Quality Fade in China, international trade expert witness Rosemary Coates of Blue Silk Consulting writes: Products manufactured or assembled in low cost countries, aren’t designed to break or poison anybody. In fact, typically when a new contract is signed and specs are given for initial production at a new…


Weather Expert Witnesses & New Mexico Flooding

Weather and meteorology expert witnesses may opine on rain, severe storm analysis, snow, weather forecasting, and more. This week emergency officials say at least 1,000 people in Colorado are waiting to be rescued from flood waters. Albuquerque National Weather Service meteorologist Jason Frazier commented on the flooding in central and…


Demonstrative Evidence Expert Witnesses

Demonstrative evidence expert witnesses may consult on courtroom exhibits, computer reconstruction, computer animation, forensic animation, and simulations. While demonstrative evidence is not real evidence, it illuminates the points being argued in court. In Litigation Tip: The Best Way to Get Demonstrative Evidence Admitted at Trial, attorney Morgan Smith defines demonstrative…


Mortgages Expert Witnesses & Mortgage Fraud Decrease

Mortgages expert witnesses may consult on mortgage loans, variable rate mortgages, reverse mortgages, conventional mortgages, and mortgage fraud, among other topics. In Is Mortgage Fraud Really Decreasing?, attorney and editor of Mortgage Fraud Blog Rachel Dollar comments on The Financial Crimes Enforcement Network analysis of Mortgage Fraud SAR Filings in…


Neurosurgery Expert Witnesses & Fatal Brain Disease

Neurosurgery expert witnesses may opine on neurosurgeons, trauma neurosurgery, neurosurgery standard of care, and spinal surgery. In the news, The New Hampshire Department of Health and the Massachusetts Department of Public Health are investigating the use of contaminated surgical equipment which may have exposed patients to the fatal brain disease,…


Drug Abuse Expert Witnesses & Synthetic Marijuana

Drug abuse expert witnesses may testify on testify on DUI, intoxication, chemical dependence, illicit drugs, and marijuana, as well as related issues. The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment is investigating the deaths of three people and the hospitalization of 75 others who may have smoked synthetic marijuana. Synthetic…

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