
Articles Posted in Researching Experts


Business Expert Witnesses & Michigan Rule of Evidence

In The Michigan Law Blog, Michael J. Hamblin writes: Required Qualifications for Expert Witnesses in Michigan Business Litigation Cases In many business litigation cases, winning depends on the testimony of an expert witness who supports a party’s theory of the case or damage calculations. When testifying, the expert gives his…


Licensing Expert Witnesses Part 2

The licensing expert witness opines in cases regarding the multi-billion dollar intellectual property market. In Licensing Overview, describes trademark licensing: Trademarks are also protected intellectual property, generally in the form of a word, symbol, shape, or any sign, that is affixed to a product to indicate its source and…


Licensing Expert Witnesses

The licensing expert witness opines in cases regarding the multi-billion dollar intellectual property market. In Licensing Overview, explains: A company or person with intellectual property protected by law who wishes to license that property enters into a licensing agreement with a user, and that agreement becomes a contract, governed…


Forensic Psychiatry Expert Witness On Forensic Evaluations

Forensic psychiatry expert witness Dr. Roy Lubit is board certified in forensic psychiatry, child psychiatry and general psychiatry. He writes this on forensic evaluations: Critiquing adverse forensic evaluations is a special art. It is inadequate to simply produce a competing evaluation, so that there is now one on each side.…


Forensic Psychiatry Expert Witness On Evaluating Litigants Part 2

In Assessing the Truth: How Forensic Psychiatrists and Psychologists Evaluate Litigants, Dr. Mark Levy, a Distinguished Life Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association and forensic psychiatry expert witness writes: Psychological and Neuropsychological testing provides an objective means of sorting out how much embellishment or minimization of symptoms may exist. From…

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