
Articles Posted in Researching Experts


Forensic Science Expert Witnesses

Do you need to hire a forensic science expert witness? The University of Alabama describes what these professionals do: Most forensic scientists work in a lab doing “traditional” forensic science (DNA, drugs, trace, etc.). Analyzing evidence in the lab requires an undergraduate degree in chemistry, biology, or a related natural…


Accident Reconstruction Expert Witness Methodology

Accident reconstruction expert witness Will Meredith lays out the steps in accident reconstruction: GENERALLY TAUGHT AND ACCEPTED METHODOLOGY FOR RECONSTRUCTION OF AN ACCIDENT IS AS FOLLOWS: 1) REPORTING: Strictly factual, no opinions. 2) INSPECTION: Includes measurements at scene, photographs, vehicle inspections, all observable evidence at scene. 3) TECHNICAL PREPARATION: May…


Agricultural Engineering Expert Witnesses & Equipment Injuries – Part 4

In Agricultural and Grounds Maintenance Equipment, agricultural engineering expert witness Richard L. Parish, PhD, PE, writes on standards: For grounds maintenance equipment, the ANSI B71 series is of primary interest. The most important standards in this series are ANSI B71.1, dealing with consumer turf care equipment, and ANSI B71.4, dealing…


Premises Liability Expert Witness On The Attorney-Expert Relationship Part 3

In The Attorney-Expert Relationship: Unraveling the Complexity, Peter T. Tomaras writes on his experience as a premises liability expert witness: In my view, attorneys should retain experts not merely to ratify their arguments, but for all the experience based information we can contribute. For instance, experts can support discovery by…


Agricultural Engineering Expert Witnesses & Equipment Injuries – Part 3

In Agricultural and Grounds Maintenance Equipment, agricultural engineering expert witness Richard L. Parish, PhD, PE, writes on industry consensus standards: The American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE) is the primary standards organization for farm and grounds maintenance equipment, although The Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) issues most tractor…


Legal Nurse Consultants As Expert Witnesses Part 2

Elizabeth G. Rudolph, lawyer, nurse and legal nurse consultant, is the founder of Memphis-based Jurex Center for Legal Nurse Consulting. Rudolf writes on nurses as expert witnesses: “What’s nice is this is an opportunity for nurses to expand their careers,” Rudolph said. “That’s the new part for nurses. They have…


Premises Liability Expert Witness Speaks To Experts Setting Limits

In The Attorney-Expert Relationship: Unraveling the Complexity, Peter T. Tomaras writes on his experience as a premises liability expert witness regarding setting parameters: When attorneys call, experts must determine from a brief description if the case falls within our span of competence and is ethically feasible. Frequently, attorneys ask us…


Agricultural Engineering Expert Witnesses & Equipment Injuries – Part 2

In Agricultural and Grounds Maintenance Equipment, agricultural engineering expert witness Richard L. Parish, PhD, PE, writes: It is easier to find current standards than obsolete versions. An agricultural engineering expert may have to do some digging to find the correct version of a standard. Furthermore, obtaining copies of obsolete standards…


Legal Nurse Consultants As Expert Witnesses

Elizabeth G. Rudolph, lawyer, nurse and legal nurse consultant, is the founder of Memphis-based Jurex Center for Legal Nurse Consulting. Rudolf writes on nurses as expert witnesses: Expert witnesses for legal issues involving medical matters aren’t always doctors because nurses often have more firsthand knowledge about a disputed practice or…


Premises Liability Expert Witness On The Attorney-Expert Relationship Part 1

In The Attorney-Expert Relationship: Unraveling the Complexity, Peter T. Tomaras writes on his experience as a premises liability expert witness: “I do not want legal research regarding theories, defenses, etc. I want my liability expert to provide opinions on the facts.” That rebuke came from an attorney who did not…

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