
Articles Posted in Researching Experts


Medical Insurance Expert Witness On Handoff Communications Part 1

In Handoff Communication, medical insurance expert witness Ms. Kathy G. Ferrell, BS, RN, LNCC writes: Handoff communication is simply the relay of information from one healthcare provider to another. Every day nurses are responsible for relaying information regarding patient care to physicians, nurses, radiology, laboratory, dietary and many other health…


Medical Insurance Expert On Using Legal Nurse Consultants In Client Interviews

In Use of a Legal Nurse Nurse Consultant in Client Interviews, medical insurance expert witness Ms. Kathy G. Ferrell, BS, RN, LNCC writes: Nurses learn communication and interviewing strategies as part of their basic interpersonal and assessment skills in the first semester of training. It is a basic skill that…


Acoustics Expert Witnesses On Acoustic Forensic Applications

In Acoustic Signal Analysis For Forensic Applications, acoustics expert witnesses Durand Begault and Christopher Peltier write: Acoustical analysis of audio signals is important in many legal contexts for determining the authenticity, originality, and continuity of recorded media; determining the circumstances of events in question that may have been recorded; for…


Medical Expert Witness On Medical Malpractice Part 4

In Medical Malpractice Overview, medical expert witness Eugene DeBlasio writes on failure to treat or erroneous treatment: The most common way in which doctors are negligent by failing to treat a medical condition is when they “dismiss” the presenting symptoms as temporary, minor, or otherwise not worthy of treatment. This…


Medical Expert Witness On Medical Malpractice Part 3

In Medical Malpractice Overview, medical expert witness Eugene DeBlasio writes on failure to diagnose or erroneous diagnosis: Generally, a delay or failure to diagnose a disease is actionable, if it has resulted in injury or disease progression above and beyond that which would have resulted from a timely diagnosis. This…


Medical Expert Witness On Medical Malpractice Part 2

In Medical Malpractice Overview, medical expert witness Eugene DeBlasio writes on actionable malpractice: State laws govern the viability of causes of action for medical malpractice. The laws vary in terms of time limits to bring suit, qualifications of “expert” witnesses, cognizable theories of liability, and proper party defendants/proper party plaintiffs.…


Medical Expert Witness On Medical Malpractice Part 1

In Medical Malpractice Overview, medical expert witness Eugene DeBlasio explains: Medical malpractice is negligence committed by medical professionals. For negligence to be “actionable” (having all the components necessary to constitute a viable cause of action), there must be a duty owed to someone, a breach of that duty, and resulting…

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