
Articles Posted in Researching Experts


Aviation Safety Expert Witness On Civil Aviation Safety

In the Guidebook for Airport Safety Management Systems aviation safety expert witness Mac McCall, A.A.E, writes: The International Civil Aviation Organization, recognizing these facts and that “the public’s perception of aviation safety is largely based on the number of aircraft accidents rather than the accident rate,” issued a resolution to…


Aviation Accident Analysis Expert Witness On Safety Efficiency

In the Guidebook for Airport Safety Management Systems aviation accident analysis expert witness Mac McCall, A.A.E, writes: There are two ways of thinking about safety. The traditional way is that safety has been about avoiding costs. In this sense, many aviation organizations have been bankrupted by the cost of a…


Building Distress Expert Witnesses On Life Expectancy of Housing Components

Building distress expert witnesses may opine on issues relating to the National Association of Home Builders/Bank of America Home Equity Study of Life Expectancy of Housing Components U.S. HOUSING STOCK: The 2005 American Housing Survey by the U.S. Census Bureau shows that there are more than 124 million homes in…


Building Envelope Performance Expert Witnesses & Siding

Building envelope performance expert witnesses may opine on issues relating to the National Association of Home Builders/Bank of America Home Equity Study of Life Expectancy of Housing Components Siding and Accessories Outside materials typically last a lifetime. Brick, vinyl, engineered wood, stone (both natural and manufactured), and fiber cement will…


Aviation Expert Witness On Airport Safety Management

In the Guidebook for Airport Safety Management Systems aviation expert witness Mac McCall, A.A.E, writes: The aviation industry always has quoted safety at the forefront of its priorities, and as a general rule, has demonstrated diligence in learning from its mistakes and implementing changes that lead to further improvement. This…


Building Regulations Expert Witnesses & The NAHB

Building regulations expert witnesses at the The National Association of Home Builders work with other organizations to develop and revise building codes and standards that affect single and multifamily housing, commercial buildings, and remodeling in the areas of structural, fire, energy, mechanical, plumbing, electrical, ventilation, and accessibility. NAHB studies proposed…


Accident Investigation Expert Witness On ASTM Standards

In Procedures for Evaluating Bathing Facility Slip and Fall Accidents, accident investigation expert witness Melvin M. Friedlander, P.E. writes: The American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) standards for evaluating the slip resistance of walkway and bathing facility surfaces are accepted, almost universally, by experienced and reliable slip and fall…

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