
Articles Posted in Researching Experts


Forensic Psychology Expert Witness On Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Part 1

In A Forensic Psychologist’s Report In A Sexual Harassment, Hostile Work Environment And Retaliation Case forensic psychology expert witness Stephen Reich, Ph.D., writes on the criteria for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder from DSM-IV 309.81, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, the American Psychiatric Association. (A) The person…


Annuities Expert Witness On Evaluating Annuities Part 4

In Annuities for Dummies: A Buyers Guide, annuities expert witness Stephen George writes: Carriers sell three types: Fixed, Indexed-Linked, and Variable. Fixed and Equity Indexed annuities guarantee no risk of loss if held to term. Variable annuities do have market risk. Indexed-Linked annuities guarantee minimum interest, plus index growth participation.…


Insurance Agency Expert Witness On Recission Part 3

In his article Insurers: To Rescind Or Not to Rescind?, insurance agency expert witness Akos Swierkiewicz writes: In most cases, rescission is based on materially misrepresented facts in the policy application, or in underwriting information provided by the insured or its broker. However, unless there is a satisfactory answer to…


Hydrology Expert Witness On The Science Of Hydrology

In THE PERFECT STORM: The Science Behind Subrogating Catastrophic Flood Losses, hydrology expert witness Richard Van Bruggen writes on the science of hydrology: Hydrology is defined as “a science dealing with the properties, distribution and circulation of water on the surface of the land, in the soil, in underlying rocks,…


Annuities Expert Witness On Evaluating Annuities Part 2

In Annuities for Dummies: A Buyers Guide, annuities expert witness Stephen George writes: Generally, annuities are unconditionally backed by insurance companies. By investing conservatively and hedging their exposure to stock and bond market fluctuations, insurance companies can guarantee savers a minimum interest regardless of market down-turns. If indexes rise during…


Insurance Agency Expert Witness On Recission Part 2

In his article Insurers: To Rescind Or Not to Rescind?, insurance agency expert witness Akos Swierkiewicz writes: Misrepresentation or concealment is material if it affects the underwriting decision of the insurer. For example, the premium would have been higher had the insurer been aware of the true and complete facts.…


Hydrology Expert Witness On Hydrologic Modeling

In THE PERFECT STORM: The Science Behind Subrogating Catastrophic Flood Losses, hydrology expert witness Richard Van Bruggen writes on hydrologic simulations and modeling: Frequently, even a storm event of historic proportions might not have caused damage to your insured’s property had it not been for a specific existing condition, such…


Annuities Expert Witness On Evaluating Annuities Part 1

In Annuities for Dummies: A Buyers Guide, annuities expert witness Stephen George writes: Buying annuities requires studying features and comparison shopping. Annuities are not considered investments, but evaluating them requires similar comparisons of safe returns against other investments like CD’s, money market funds, savings accounts, high grade bonds and treasury…


Insurance Agency Expert Witness On Recission Part 1

In his article Insurers: To Rescind Or Not to Rescind?, insurance agency expert witness Akos Swierkiewicz writes: Rescission of an insurance policy is serious business. Such action could result in serious financial difficulties to insureds, especially if it occurs after a major loss. Furthermore, costly and protracted litigation almost inevitably…

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