
Articles Posted in Researching Experts


Trucking Industry Expert Witness On Truck Crashes Part 5

Trucking industry expert witness Robert R. Reed writes on Truck/tractor-trailer crashes: 4.”OBC”and “GPS” – This technology is most important and provides a wealth of knowledge for reconstruction after the at-scene investigation. The information from these systems travels in real time from the truck to satellites, ground based towers or the…


Hydrology Expert Witness On Flood Insurance Part 2

In THE PERFECT STORM: The Science Behind Subrogating Catastrophic Flood Losses, hydrology expert witness Richard Van Bruggen writes: The National Flood Insurance Act also required the identification of all floodplain areas and established flood risk zones. This is good news for subrogation professionals because it provides a warning to landowners…


Trucking Industry Expert Witness On Truck Crashes Part 4

Trucking industry expert witness Robert R. Reed writes on Truck/tractor-trailer crashes: 3. Equipment inspection – Severe accidents and fatalities warrant a complete inspection of units involved. If equipped with “ECM” modules and “ABS” modules this data should be retrieved for use in reconstruction. This can be done using truck manufacturers…


Hydrology Expert Witness On Flood Insurance Part 1

In THE PERFECT STORM: The Science Behind Subrogating Catastrophic Flood Losses, hydrology expert witness Richard Van Bruggen writes: Federal flood insurance was first made available in 1968 through the enactment of the National Flood Insurance Act.4 Prior to this program, affordable private flood insurance was generally not available. Under the…


Trucking Computer Systems Expert Witness On Truck Crashes Part 3

Depending on type of system used and data computed, this information is invaluable to crash reconstruction efforts. Each system develops reports in multiple formats that can be deciphered for indisputable information that can prove or disprove action of the driver or vehicle involved in a crash. These systems are similar…


Electrical Expert Witness & the National Electrical Safety Code Part 2

Electrical expert witness David J. Marne, P.E., is the author of McGraw-Hill’s National Electrical Safety Code® (NESC®) Handbook. Here he answers the question: Do communications utility workers and power utility workers need to follow the NESC® or OSHA rules? Both. The National Electrical Safety Code® (NESC®) has been adopted in…


Fatigue Expert Witness On Driver Fatigue Part 3

In Driver Fatigue is the Number One Safety Issue in the Truck and Bus Industry, fatigue expert witness Dennis Wylie writes: The Commercial Motor Vehicle Driver Fatigue and Alertness Study The importance of driver fatigue led the U.S. Department of Transportation and Transport Canada to commission the largest, most comprehensive…

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