
Articles Posted in Researching Experts


Marketing Defense Expert Witnesses

Marketing defense expert witnesses may opine on competition and marketing strategy. The American Marketing Association Board of Directors defines marketing defense: The strategic moves that attempt to minimize or deter threatening actions by existing or potential competitors. Strategic moves can deter all or some of the prospective challengers by making…


Marketing Research Expert Witnesses

Marketing research expert witnesses may opine on market studies and marketing research. The American Marketing Association Board of Directors offers the following definitions: Marketing: Marketing is the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at…


Gynecological Care Expert Witness On Osteoporosis

The website of gynecological care expert witness Susan Trezona, CNM, offers this information regarding Boning Up On Osteoporosis: Among the health issues facing menopausal women is osteoporosis, or progressive thinning of the bones. More than 10 million Americans have osteoporosis. Half of the women over the age of 50 will…


Translation Experts & Standards For Translations Part 1

Translation expert witnesses may opine on document translation and medical interpreting. Here, the American Translators Association explains that translation is not a commodity and offers standards for buying a non-commodity. Translation not a commodity. If it were, it would be enough to say: “You need a translation? Go out and…


Risk Management Expert Witnesses & Climate Change

In Climate Change Risk Management Lawsuits, Kai Alderson, Fasken Martineau, and Stephen Higgs, of Perkins Coie, write that public companies face exposure to legal liability for investor losses blamed on failure to anticipate or disclose climate change risks. Plaintiffs have brought lawsuits alleging that a company’s GHG emissions contributed to…


Insurance Claims Expert Witness On Insurance & Risk Management Terms

Insurance claims expert witness Tommy R. Michaels offers a glossary of Insurance and Risk Management Terms on his website. For example: Abandonment A clause in property insurance policies prohibiting the insured from abandoning damaged property to the insurer for repair or disposal. Arranging for repair or disposal is the insured’s…

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