
Articles Posted in Expert Witness Testimony


Animal Expert Witness In Court Re: Hawaii Superferry

Animal expert witness Greg Kaufman, President of the Pacific Whale Foundation, testified this week in a court hearing on on behalf of three environmental groups. The groups are seeking an injunction against the Superferry to stop operations during an environmental study. The StarBulletin writes: As an expert witness, Kaufman has…


Automotive Expert Witness Testifies in Allstate $1.425B Case

Motor vehicle crash injury expert witness Michael Freeman testified Tuesday that assumptions in an Allstate claims handling manual about how much force passengers endure in low-speed wrecks have no scientific basis. “These numbers are impossible, and they are just made up,” said Freeman, an epidemiologist at Oregon Health and Science…


Judge Hears From Discrimination Expert Witnesses Before Deciding On Class Certification

In Higher Benchmark For Class Actions Ameet Sachdev of the Chicago Tribune writes: Demanding more evidence of wrongdoing and scrutinizing expert witnesses may, some say, bar many consumers from access to courts. Judges are raising the bar on class-action lawsuits, demanding more evidence of the alleged wrongdoing and even holding…


Footprint Expert Witness Testimony Sends Former Penn State Football Player to Prison

LaVon Chisley, 23, a former Penn State football player from Maryland, was convicted Friday of murder in the stabbing death of former roommate Langston Carraway. Chisley was found guilty of first- and third-degree murder based on DNA evidence and expert witness testimony. The footprint expert witness testified that a pattern…


Environmental Expert Witnesses Opine in DuPont Class Action Suit

Friday’s arguments in the class-action lawsuit against DuPont and New York-based T.L. Diamond & Co. mark the end of the first phase of what could be a four-part trial. Both sides attempted to discredit each other’s expert witnesses in the lawsuit which alleges that DuPont and Diamond dumped arsenic, cadmium…


Environmental Expert Witness

Environmental expert witness Erwin Iskandar said Thursday that Sutiyoso’s Jakarta administration should be held responsible for the massive floods that crippled the city in February. Iskandar is the head of Trisakti University’s research institute and said the local administration should have been able to properly anticipate the February floods. The…


Sports & Recreation Expert Witness Testifies On Skating Head Injuries

Fracturing her skull and suffering permanent disabilities while ice skating, a patron of the Ice House Skating Rink in Carey, NC, filed a liability suit against the rink. The expert witness in her case testified that the skating rink should have had an employee patrolling the ice to stop unruly…


Both Sides in Holy Land Case Try To Discredit Opponents Terrorism Expert Witnesses

Linda Moreno, defense lawyer for the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development, rested their case by asking the federal jury to look beyond what she described as “fear-mongering and politically motivated charges against a Muslim charity.” Much of closing arguments was spent trying to discredit the other side’s expert…

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