
Articles Posted in Expert Witness Testimony


Appraisal and Valuation Expert Witnesses Have Bad Day in Court

Two expert witnesses in Louisville, KY had a bad day in court this week. First, antique weapon expert witness R.L. Wilson, along with Michael Salisbury, and Karen Salisbury, were charged with conspiring to defraud Owsley Brown Frazier and his International History Museum by taking commissions and kickbacks totaling $1.75 million.…


Orthopedic Surgery Expert Witness Opines in Hospital Case

Boston orthopedic surgery expert witness Dr. Brian Awbrey testified Wednesday that a succession of issues would have been avoided if Dubuque podiatrist Dr. Michael Arnz had avoided his use of a circular frame. Daniel Day is seeking monetary damages from The Finley Hospital. “There would have been no infection of…


Internet Expert Witness Opines Re: Cyber-Pirate’s Website #2

More on v. Musselman: U.S. District Court Judge Maxine Chesney awarded $780,000 in damages against convicted Cyber-Pirate Mark Musselman and his website, Internet expert witness Carole Levitt stated that “Searchsystems was an original and unique website which defendants copied–both the content and organization–and thus violated Search Systems…


Internet Expert Witness Opines Re: Cyber-Pirate’s Website, a highly regarded site for researching public records, obtained a judgment of $780,000 in San Francisco U.S. District Court this week against convicted Cyber-Pirate Mark Musselman and his website, Internet expert witness Carole Levitt stated that “Searchsystems was an original and unique website which defendants copied–both the content…


Virginia Supreme Court Says Food Expert Witness Testimony Allowed in Wendy’s Hamburger Lawsuit

In 2004 Clinton San Francisco and his wife, Jessie, sued Wendy’s over what they said was a bad hamburger bought in Charleston. In 2006 Kanawha Circuit Judge Paul Zakaib said the doctor who treated Clinton and a food expert witness were not qualified to serve as experts in the case…


Violent Crime Expert Witness Speaks Out On Proposed Wal-Mart

The Sun Times reports: An Ontario Municipal Board hearing into a proposed Wal-Mart in Port Elgin was suspended as lawyers and OMB officials went behind closed doors for most of the day Thursday. One of those witnesses was Laura Robinson, who was introduced as an violent crime expert witness speaking…


Barry Bonds Defense Will Use Pharmacology Expert Witnesses

A San Francsico federal grand jury has indicted Barry Bonds on four counts of perjury and one count of obstruction alleging that he “knowingly and willfully” made material false statements regarding his use of performance-enhancing substances during his grand jury testimony in the into the Bay Area Laboratory Cooperative. Bonds…

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